To finger a heavily bleeding vagina so hard that blood goes everywhere. Dave Carlson reference comes from move slap shot and how Dave is an animal how Dave is a mess.
Bro 1-Nigga what the fuck happened in here? Its a murder scene.
Bro 2-Funny you should ask. Amy came by. Gave her some Shit then i Dave Carlson finger banged that bloody ham wallet of hers.
The person you become after smoking an ounce of meth to the face
After he bought & completely smoked himself that ounce of dope.. his alter ego, Racist Dave.. appeared & called out all the bigots
A VERY talented musician who once created great masterpieces such as (Rectangle) and (Penis) which are part of his SEVERLY underrated Alphabet albums. He has the voice of an angel that can sooth any crying soul. Genuinely one of the greatest artists of his time.
Are you listening to Reflection by "Dictionary Dave"?! That's some of his best work!
A dave deal is a deal which looks very promising, but when you look in the details the deal isn't that great as you at first sight thought.
Business cards are free, but then in the end you find out you have to pay for the delivery costs.dave deal
Dave is an uncomfortable yet cool fellow. He is shy but will sometimes break out of his shell. He has a large elbow and will use it for unusual things like riding a bike. He likes mangos especially on girls chests. He is a great dude.
"Did you see John at that party?"
"Yeah dude he's like a Dave Sanderson!"
21st of August, the Day that celebrates the People on Gamejolt defeating a homophobic Child Molester named Dave and it couldn't have been done without Banana_dreemurr.
Person 1: It's Anti-Dave Day!!!
Person 2: What's that?
Person 1: A Celebration of Dave's Defeat on Gamejolt
Person 2: Who is Dave?
Person 1: A Child Molester who would harrass and stalk People