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Master criminal

A person who can get away with anything and will not get caught

Phil" how did u not get caught sam
sam" im a master criminal

by Samwordjack August 29, 2021

Master Sloshing

Irresponsibly aggressive and wet female masterbation, usually soaking the shoes and socks to make a sloshing sound when walking: shoelaces must be untied.

"Did a pipe burst in your living room or something?"
"Nah, my girlfriend just finished master sloshing upstairs."

To be a Master-Slosher

by Shagnasty26 April 5, 2022

Master Chiefkin

The wondrous act of receiving head whilst playing Halo in any of its game forms.

Nubb #1: "Dude, my girlfriend totally gave me a blumpkin the other day. It was Epic!"

Player #1: "Good for you! Last night your mother gave me a Master Chiefkin while I rocket sworded some nubb across the map on Headlong!

by Billus Tizzle April 18, 2016

Master seal

A gayboi who shows off his willy is 2'6

And Bullys others who are less bent
And has a stupid xbox name

Oh look its Master seal

by Gayboy123562 September 19, 2020

Tassel Master

The beholder of a rather large penis. Erect it is a sturdy structure (diamond hard if you may), flaccid a slight breeze would make it sway. This guy knows how to use it to his potential.

"Look at that guy brandishing his member at those women!! He must be a tassel master express"

by super_blondey June 6, 2015

Nungeon Master

A term used for White privileged males who keep more than 4 abo people, more properly known as nungas. They are keep in a basement for slavery, BDSM and any personal desires the owner wishes for.

Oi Jeff, how many nungas have you collected in your basement?
Oh I got like 7 now.
Fuck me you must be a Nungeon Master!

by Girvoooooooooooooooooooooooooo October 15, 2017

Master Chief

1. A rank in the Navy

2. The protagonist of most of the Halo series, with that rank.

The Master Chief is a cool character

by yeltsA kciR June 2, 2021