Source Code

Mother Nuru

A phrase used to describe someone too small to be described as small, or too short to be described as short.

Dude, she's a mother nuru. She makes smurfs look tall.

by mr_rippe July 26, 2019

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Mother ugly

A child that looks like their ugly mother.

John is so Mother Ugly!

by Posne November 13, 2016

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Mother Fucker

The literal fucking of one's own mother.

S1: Hey man, did you hear Peter-Anthony fucked his mom again last night?

S2: Yes, I heard! He never ceases to amaze me of what a sick mother fucker he truly is.

by cujo31 March 17, 2012

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Your mother

A beginning of an insult that is apparantly "funny".
But tbh isnt.

Only if it's really insulting,
you'll laugh your ass off.

Your mother has chest hair.


by goregoregoregore April 19, 2008

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Mother Fucker

One who has consumated with a female parental unit...

Rosie is not a mother fucker yet, but she aspires to be one oneday!

by Rosie November 15, 2003

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Mother Hen

A term used to describe a woman of large proportions or large and in charge, usually in excess of 200 pounds, by a male who finds this body type attractive.

"High Five! I just filled the tank on that Mother Hen"

by thegoat54 September 13, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

j00r mother

bastard woman from hell in a toilet seawtcvgf tnuymr

by ya mumnation October 27, 2003

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