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1) Something to hold your drink with

2) Demi Lovato's favourite dish

Int: what's your favourite dish?
Demi: my favourite dish? I like... mugs

by tellmeyoulovejerrie October 5, 2019


British slang

To describe a person as a "mug", they are stupid or daft

To be a "mug", means you are a fool, daft or have just said something stupidly funny.

To "mug" someone off, to win an argument or prove someone wrong which makes them look foolish or silly. (you can also mug yourself off by doing something stupid)

"what a mug."

"you're such a mug"

"jenny just mugged you off"
"you just mugged yourself off"

by katuta123 January 19, 2017


To rob someone.

He mugged me!

by nilass October 16, 2023


mug is a glass of water with a handle

hey dumbass wheres my fucking mug.

by dog113 September 30, 2022


a right idiot, just an overall spazz. you probably know a couple mugs.

Caitlin: is cerebral palsy a cereal?
Trin: You mug!

by TRIN QUOTES October 5, 2018


A ceramic cup used to contain liquids too hot to touch, but not too hot to drink.

A nice mug of hot chocolate.

by Don't do quack kids. July 21, 2017


Something that urban dictionary promotes on every post


Urban dictionary: Get a Word mug for your pal nikocado

by Basketballanimeblackboi November 29, 2021