When you are so deep in her pussy for an extended period of time that her cum dries up creating a beard or win
Gino was so deep he be looking like Santa Clause
When someone brings a case of beer over to your house for a party, drinks one, and leaves the rest in your fridge.
"damn, Brian left 4 bottles of Bud light in the fridge"
"MF is always pulling a Midwest Santa"
David: holy shit! Someone robbed the house!
Kim: wait, no. Someone pulled a santa on us!
David: that tv hasn't been there!
Kim: since when did we have a car?
*mrbeast shows up*
David: did you pull a santa on us?
Mrbeast: yes I did!
Kim: thanks!
When a guy cums on his partners chin and it drips down ,making a white beard like Santa clause .
Man she was sucking my dick so good I came on her face and gave her the Santa Clause
She seems like an angel on two legs: small and innocent. She has a mind that is always developing, a creative soul that is always being unique and loud in her own way. She enjoys quite time, but also loves meeting new people, a friend for every occasion! Santa Adrianas can be easily hurt, so she hides it by pointing out other peoples faults.
If you ever encounter a Santa Adriana you should be sure to always say your mind and be sure to make sure that they will accept themselves, they like support but are too strong to admit that they also have weaknesses like everyone else.
Dear Santa Adriana it’s okay to fuck up, everybody does. You don’t need to prove yourself, people will love you even with all your flaws!
Jaden Santa is so gay that he is gayer than the gayest man on earth
fuck you jaden santa you are stupid and retarted you smell like poop i hope you die of depression overdose when Minecraft steve rejects your stupid love that nobody wants not even the lonliness man on earth wants it, oh wait that's you jaden santa.
jaden santa is so stupid his dumb hair probably tastes like stale avacado