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Not'cho cheese!

The punchline of a popular, but reprehensible joke, intended to sound like "Nacho cheese!"

Alan Currie: What kind of cheese isn't yours?
Innocent bystander: I don't know, what?
Alan Currie: Not'cho cheese!

by Cliff Precarious June 29, 2011

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cheese and gum

A covert way of saying "jizz and cum"

What's that on the corner of the bedsheet?

I think it's a stain from cheese and gum.

by RodRod August 16, 2010

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Spendin Cheese

Misheard musical lyric from Jay Z's Big Pimpin. Has no meaning. See spinning cheese for correct usage.

Did you just say spendin cheese? Cause the real phrase is spinning cheese.

by T&A Construction January 13, 2012

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Smack & Cheese

The act of rubbing your nuts when they are all sweaty and then slapping someone in their face.

Bob: "*snoring*"
Wynston: "Bob is alseep let's give him some Smack & Cheese!!"
Karl: "Omfg it smells like nut queso,*slaps Bob*"
Bob: "You fuckers I was sleeping leave me alone!"

by FedInTheA July 15, 2010

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cheesing out

When someone has an unusually large smile on their face for some reason, teeth shown, like a 3rd grader asked to say cheese for a school picture

Look at tommy man, cheesing out, fool defiantly got laid last night

by Mandel21 March 11, 2009

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Cheese in the wind

'Cheese in the wind' was first uttered by Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's day off. (See example B.)

Someone is 'leaving your cheese in the wind' when they do any of the following:

A. Ruin your fun; be a wet blanket/buzz-kill
B. Flout your dignity/authority
C. Dismiss you/hang you out to dry
D. Deny you sexual satisfaction (whether intentional or not)

A. Why don't you want to go out tonight?? You're leavin' my cheese in the wind here!

B. I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind!

C. You stood me up! You totally left my cheese in the wind!

D. I'm so freakin' horny... don't leave my cheese in the wind!!!

by Sub30 Mainstream June 6, 2007

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Ball cheese

A greasy , creamy substance with a pungent sweat-like odor that forms in the folds of the male scrotum area. It has also been referred to as ball-cheese and nut-butter

- I didn't take a shawer after work , so when she went down on me and started licking my nuts, she got a few good servings of fresh ball cheese.

-Some women just got hooked because I always have a fresh supply of ball cheese waiting for them.

by KKK619 March 21, 2008

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