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A place where the most rotten and vile people reside in, in this forsaken place you will find dramas every 5 seconds, 14 year old people who get offended at the slightest of things, pedophiles, zoophiles and more than the eye could see.

Tom: Hey, I just made an account on Twitter!
Alex: You have created a big mistake dude, delete your account this instant. NOW!

by imp fuck2 April 27, 2022


pornhub 2.0

person 1: dude my wifi won't let me watch porn!

person 2: bro just use twitter lmfao.

by i give good descriptions October 31, 2022


The best place to express your totally non-controversial opinions without the threat of anyone harrassing you, sending you death threats, or doxxing you just because you said their idol is trash.

Twitter: where dreams don't come true, but your favourite idol supposrting MAP rights does

by GrilledGoat April 27, 2022


A place where everything is genders everyone you see either has a pfp of themself, anime pfp, anime/cartoon pfp with gender flags in the background.
everyone on twitter is an "expert" at everything they also get easily offended over anything.
if your a streamer or youtuber then watch out becuase if you say a word like "fuck" or "bastard" then dont be suprised if someone writes a whole wikipedia page about why that word is "historically" racist or sexist. (this usually happens to minecraft youtubers and streamers mostly part of the dream smp)
if you say anything good about republicans or Donald Trump then you might wanna consider writing a "last meal list" becuase your getting a fucking death sentence. (this can happen even if your a democrat too)
having an opinion might not sound pretty normal to you but on Twitter we can such a person a "mad lad"
becuase that guy is going to be cancelled and getting his house robbed.

the avarage twitter bio goes like this: Pansexual, BLM, Transgender, Translivesmatter, 14 years old :fireemoji:

anyways if you ever meet a person like this then you might wanna keep a distance

Alex: ngl i kinda lik-

some random person on twitter: SHUT UP RACIST AMERICAN :angryemoji:

by Funi guy ecs dee March 6, 2021


An acronym for 'That Website Infamous for Timely Textual Expressions by Randos' (sometimes referred to as x.com). Yes, the place where everyone is an expert on everything.

Me: Did you see the news on TWITTER?
Then: You mean x.com
Me: I said what I said

by meteoridian June 27, 2024


Fucking cancel culture. Nothing but toxic uneducated 11 y/o’s trying to cancel grown ass adults. Mostly fake news too and nobody REALLY uses it.

Some cancelling bitch: “I was on twitter last night and now I think *** should be cancelled.”
Someone w brain idk: “What the fuck, why would u be on twitter and stop trying to cancel people.”

by CapitalOfEgypt April 25, 2021


one of the most toxic places to land yourself upon, alongside reddit. everyone thinks say whatever shitty opinion occurs to them, which causes drama and toxicity. if you say something bad, expect yourself to be cancelled on twitter.

person a: hey, why haven't you been posting lately?
person b: i apparently said something bad and everyone on twitter cancelled me. i hate twitter.

by aaal4na January 14, 2022