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what is the word

Bird. Bird is the word.

"Bird, Bird, Bird is the word" word the word bird bird is the word what is the word? what is the word

by Nen08 May 5, 2016

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whats up with that

One of the funniest series of sketches Saturday Night Live have ever made.
Seriously search "Whats up with that snl" on Youtube

Kenan Thompson "Ooooh yeah, Whats up up with that, whats up with that"

by Naughtopus May 31, 2018

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what's popping

*fboy face* what's popping

wilbur soot: what's popping
everyone else: ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

by lemony melon bbg March 21, 2021

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What a Kiran

A metaphorical exchange between comrades during intense rounds of speech and negotiation tactics.

Lo Rahul, What a Kiran you are!!

by nivedasterxx March 16, 2022

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What happpen ?!

"What happened". Used sarcastically by Filipinos (Pinoys) to induce regret among a defeated subject.

I make your face bleed. You still strong?! What Happpen ?!

by Pizzlej July 24, 2020

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Pardon What

A phrase used in a not-to-casual but not-too-formal setting to inquire as to the meaning of what someone has said. Used as a question.

Human 1- I am superior to all life forms.
Nonhuman 1- Pardon what?

by Jaubrey January 10, 2009

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what is this website

the question you ask when you seen enough #### to last you for a lifetime on a certain website

Me: What is this website, pls kill me.

by lolzerds March 16, 2017

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