Inability to remember what happens after the credits end, and why you MUST stay in your seat.
She's got a case of the Tilson Syndrome & she missed the most epic Easter Egg ever!
Hitting a certain time each day when you just crash.
Someone: "Are you okay? You seem a bit agitated."
Someone else: "Yeah I'm okay, cinderella syndrome after 3pm."
A condition where a medical doctor experiences rectal prolapse that worsens eventually leading to their anus enveloping their whole body. This is particularly prevalent in Shanghai, China.
"You have back pain? I don't care, I'm going to nullify all of your refills for your pain medicine because I can." The doctor then turns into one gigantic anus and is inflicted with Morris-Davies Syndrome. No known treatment is available.
When one of the bois is acting off due to a deficiency in oral sex
Poor Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t had any in years
When one of the bois is lacking towards one another due to a deficiency of head
Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t head any in years.
What do we know about the Reem Syndrome? ; This condition is considered to be the rarest condition in the world. Reem Syndrome (RS), is a condition which causes the human to become ultimately perfect, This condition can cause muscle growth, Perfect performances at any hobbies, and reduction of stupidity in the brain.
So far, Scientists have found that only one person appears to have this condition. And that is “Reem Tutus” Some say she created the the Reem Syndrome, Some say it was named after her, But we might never find out.
Whoever dares to say they have the Reem Syndrome Might just be a fool.
it isnt JUST an inside joke, its the reem tutus syndrome.
person: “do you think i have reem syndrome? i wanna get diagnosed”
person1: “ lose the ego monkei, only reem tutus has that condition.”
What do we know about the Reem Syndrome? ; This condition is considered to be the rarest condition in the world. Reem Syndrome (RS), is a condition which causes the human to become ultimately perfect, This condition can cause muscle growth, Perfect performances at any hobbies, and reduction of stupidity in the brain.
So far, Scientists have found that only one person appears to have this condition. And that is “Reem Tutus” Some say she created the the Reem Syndrome, Some say it was named after her, But we might never find out.
Whoever dares to say they have the Reem Syndrome Might just be a fool.
person1: “hey i might have reem syndrome ..”
person2: “no way, you arent reem tutus.”