A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person. : attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship. : a person you love in a romantic way.
Dang I really love Maddison, do you think she loves me back?
love's hard to explain. when we do find it, it's so powerful that we can't express it in words, there are no words that can express it. It may be a fuzzy feeling, a flutter, or a skip beat, maybe all at once, it's one of the things that once you get it. you'll know. one thing I do know, is that Love's something to cherish and hold on too.
Love's painful, it puts you through things, tests you, if you aren't strong enough, it leaves . Love's blind, it can blind you from the truth and make you go mad and do inexplicable things. Love isn't perfect either, it's imperfection.
It's more than just a feeling and some words here and there. It's a connection, a bond between one human and another. Love is understanding. it doesn't matter who it's with, so long as you truly love them. Love's also a promise. It's one to the ones you love, you'll be with them through thick and thin until death does you part, even then you'll run in the fields of heaven forever. Love's seeing someone and smiling, love's getting mad at someone and making up afterwards for you still want them in your life. Love's happiness, sadness, joy, hurt, passion, compassion, empathy, anger, history, future, and so much more.
To love someone is to accept them. their whole being and everything about them, the things you know and the things you don't. Everyone has a dark and light side, that you must love equally.
Love is Love: the most powerful feeling a human can ever experience.
My heart fluttered. My stomach did flips. My heart skipped a beat. I looked into their eyes, and my heart melted, I fell into their arms feeling safe and warm. Feeling like I was home...The sound of their heartbeat immediately calming me, grateful for the presence of the one I love....
"I love you." I whispered into the dark night. warm arms wrapped around me, "I love you too. Always and forever."
I sighed contently and laid my head down, the sound of the love of my life's breathing lulling me to sleep.
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A feeling of great admiration and companionship despite facing adversity; A feeling Noah has more for Gwen than Gwen has for Noah.
Something some people never got as a kid.
My parents never loved me.
A chemical response in the brain responsible for making humans breed by releasing seretonin and other hormones to get procreation to occur which then releases more seretonin along with oxytocin to keep the family line going.
Used after sexual intercourse- " I love you Harold ❤️"