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ball pup

someone who is ballin' and hardcore, yet cute and cuddly...all at the same time.

originally coined by DeMa vs. C-Murder. don't front.

My girl is such a ball pup, man.

I want that dude on my team. He's a ball pup.

by DeMa vs. C-Murder July 12, 2011

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Psi ball

A Psi Ball is a ball made of Psi when in deep concentration or focus. To create a Psi Ball you have to focus on a visualization. Like in an area. For me I visualize myself on a rock floating near Mars and the Sun channeling energy into my hands. It will feel like (can be combo of some.): Tingling, presure (yeah I know I got my spelling off on that) Cold or hot. Anyone who uses Psi is call a "Psion". To throw you visualize it moving around. You MUST stay COMPLETELY focused AT ALL TIMES. To make someone feel it, you must "Create a shell" around the Psi ball. To do that visualize yourself making the Psi denser and denser and the energy swirlling around inside. And then at this point visualize a shell forming around it. Now it is ready to be thrown. NOTE: To throw a Psi ball you must use the same method of moving it around. This is all mental, not physical, so don't try and pitch it. That should cover it all. If not, please e-mail me.

Remember that Psi is energy, and after about 2 years of practice you can make it into a "flare" (a visable Psi ball).
You can pass Psi balls/constructs.

by Link1721 May 5, 2007

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Balls Deep

1) (adj) Specifically, the act of inserting the dick into an orifice up to the hilt, such that the balls rest against the orifice.

2) (adj) generally, the act of doing any activity hardcore, all out, and as fully as possible.

ex 1. Q: Where were you last night?
A: Balls deep in some slut's filth.

ex 2. We hit the bars balls deep last night- I feel shitty.

by Proud to be November 16, 2005

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Ball Slam

Slamming your medicine ball down on the ground really hard, thus building your upper body strength. Influenced by the almighty Alan.

Alan: Give me 5 ball slams!

Me: Lol.

by BennyB123 May 26, 2009

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Sweaty balls

A commonly misheard lyric from the popular Panic! At the Disco song "L.A. Devotee"

"Sweaty balls under desert skies"

by Allisonmcflurry December 22, 2016

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Ball Scissoring

1) a homosexual sex position where the two partners spread their legs and rub their balls together. 2) a non-penatrative form of sex in which two men stimulate each other by rubbing scrotums. 3) an act of love where two males slam their bags together repeatedly in order to show affection.

Edgar doesn't like to ball scissor with Hector because Hector refuses to trim his pubes and that creates a lot of resistance.

Pete got slapped by Rodney for farting while they were ball scissoring.

Rudy was ball scissoring so hard that he started cumming blood.

by StewartKeiserNovak January 27, 2010

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ball is not life

This is a phrase you say to your basketball obsessed friend who says ball is life a lot.

"can you come over to my house? No, I am playing basketball. Ball is not life dude "

by YoloWalrusSOS November 8, 2017

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