Emry Rays are the bravest people. Very unique, individual, and the originals. Big hearts and they carry the world on their shoulders. Often feel alone but they have an amazing army of loved ones that they normally aren't aware of. Misunderstood and they keep alot to themselves. There's always someone wanting their time and they are an all around amazing person to havvin your life. A true blessing to everyone who has the privilege to know them . Their smile melts hearts especially their mothers. Destined for greatness and great success, but not by the world's normal understanding of success. A light in the darkness. Emrys are almost invincible and irresistible.
v. To say its on or its going down!
"Its on like Ray-Don-Chong!"
My Daddy I'm fuck her some day
bro I just talk to big daddy ray ray and she said no me said
Damn bro tuff
a vetnam boi likes Dog and duck chinken and human, his farovite food is bing bong ching ching gu guai bu xiang and his hobbys are DOG burnt and crisppy?
Ray like SEA MEN
yeon's super cool, majestic, amazing, perfect, super smart, intriguing, gorgeous, hot, FINE??!?!/1/!?1, kind, pretty, soft, mean, terrible, awesome, precious best friend. he looks like the sun and moon at the same time, every second of the day, and also every stage of a life cycle of a star. he has many other qualities such as his adorable face, honey like voice and absolutely attractive accent ahEMEMGNLMFAO and and his perfect hands, eyes, dimples and everything else. he's also the definition of cool, you can search around. overall, this specific ray, my moonray, is the coolest person you can ever meet. he likes ado, he likes fnaf, he listens to amazing music, he quit literally feels like fluorescent adolescent by the arctic monkeys. or any other am song and imo, that's pretty huge. don't feel bad tho, to anyone reading this since (not so) sadly (to me), you can never have him as a best friend but, you are pretty lucky to be alive the same time as he is and living in the same world and era as him, so yay!!
person 1: my best friend is SOO cool
yeon: well my best friend is ray so..
A girl that has a deez nutz issue and is married to AJ landy
hey do you know Ray
duh shes that annoying deez nutz bitch
Nonchalant and ont got time foe no bs…
“ray guess what” boy/girl get da fukk bakk ion gaf