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do it in the name of god

Something said in an argument that suggests that if God exists, he would want people to do this. Usually a good sign that the person saying this is messed in the head.

Bomb the enemy now! Do it in the name of God!

by jonathan the wise May 26, 2008

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M Name Theory

A theory states that any girl that starts with an M is not worth any of your time. She will break your heart and probably take your money.

You know that girl you were dating a while back? M____?

Yeah, what a fucking bitch bro.

Seriously, M Name Theory bruh.

by J-Iodine April 21, 2021

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The name Candy means 'candy'. People with the name Candy are rude, bossy. Mean, stubborn, crazy, and a cry-baby. So if you have a friend or realative named Candy, you better avoid her!!

A: It's just slime! Why do I need to cry over that?
B: but slime is special!
A: I don't know your name, but you're a Candy(name).


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random (name)

Person with little, if not no, likeable qualities. They have a self-ascribed prefix to make them sound interesting. See also crazy...looney...wild...mental...

For; Me, random dave and wild stan had a crazy night last night. read; we wacked off and went to sleep

by Bold King Cole May 17, 2003

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insert name here

An expression used to refer to a person whose name one forgets or simply cannot bring oneself to care about.

Man 1: That was insert name here.

Man 2: Yup.

by Ereck Flowers November 8, 2018

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Urban dictionary name

Name definitions that horny teens put down to desire and simp on about their non existent dream boyfriends.

They are everywhere on the urban dictionary, type in a name and all the simps will come for you.

Charlie: is an urban dictionary name
The definition of Charlie: hE iS s0 sWeEt lOvInG bOy alWayS vEry fUnnY and hAS hUGE aBs aLl tHE gIrLs lOvE hIm aNd I WAnt cHaRLie aS a b0yFr1end

by TravisScott12345 July 2, 2020

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Cool Name Pending...

A very cool group chat name that is said to be in placeholder for another name, but ends up sticking since it has a nice ring to it.

Friend #1: Hey, do you want to call on Cool Name Pending...
Friend #2: Can’t, it’s pizza Friday, how about later?

by Patch Adams Part 1 September 12, 2020

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