If u find a bobby KEEP HIM. Bobby will always be a comforting person that will be there for you. Bobby will have a really big soft spot for you if he likes you. He will give you nicknames such as pookie and pookiebear. He has the most kindest heart ever. We all love bobby
whos that over there? THATS A BOBBY
a boy whos very tall and cute and very good at athletic sports and has a fire cock
how his cock was so big he must be a bobby
the sweetest kindest dog you will ever meet! you will fall in love instantly. super loyal and will always have your back friend or animal wise :)
bobby will always let you know to look at both sides of the story though!
Friend 1: Hey what is on your mind?
Friend 2: Some stuff, let’s talk to bobby
My best friend, a good one, one day he will be on the cover of vogue magazine and win a grammy for album of the year because he is so amazing
“Wow did you see bobbys outfit today?! Yeah bro he’s such a fashion nigga”
the sweetest kindest dog you will ever meet! you will fall in love instantly. super loyal and will always have your back friend or animal wise :)
bobby will always let you know to look at both sides of the story though!
Friend 1: Hey what is on your mind?
Friend 2: Some stuff, let’s talk to bobby
It's an old name for the police
And it can be a name of a person or a dog
It's an old word for the police and a dog can be named Bobby
1 look there are the Bobbies again
2 good dog Bobby