When you don't notice le bridge till too late.
Ex: "Oshita Bridge!", Followed by a carta Crash to the river.
Bridged out. -- To fuck Your-Self out of a good thing. Derived From Miles Bridges and Chris Brown's mistakes in Life. Ja Morant is the newest case in being "bridged out" of the Nba, thanks to his own stupidity. I.E. Kicked out, or crossed out.
That Basketball player got Bridged out! By holding a gun on social media, Ja Morant bridged his self out of the NBA.
Chris Brown's altercation with Rhianna bridged his self out of promised endorsements and opportunities.
A job where someone, as one aspect of their job, works security to keep people off or away from a manmade structure such as a bridge.
I got this new gig working at that draw bridge downtown. That's right, I'm a bridge yeller.
A person that is overly dramatic, especially pertaining to uncommon actions such as climbing on a manmade structure, like a bridge.
I was being careful and safe when I was climbing on the underside of that bridge, that guy that was angry at me was just being a bridge yeller.
A drug that can do serious Damage.
Don’t mess around with bridged drugs; they can kill you.
Meaning that a person is so stressed out they're even considering jumping off a bridge.
For stressed out students or workers (mainly made for college students, especially around finals time).
Not meant to be taken seriously!!! IT IS A JOKE.
"Hey Roxanne, you okay? "
Roxanne: "Nah man, it's finals week. Between this and work, I've already got one foot on the bridge.."