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Behavior Card Day

Something that happens in school, usually at the end of a semester. It happens in GoAnimate aka Vyond. The cards have different colors, that resemble the reward or consequence given to the student based on their behavior, except for the white card, in which nothing happens to the student. The best card is usually gold or rainbow and the worst card is usually red or black. The best card usually means that the student "graduates forever," and the worst card means that the student is in "dead meat" and is expelled forever.

Miss Martin: Okay class, today is behavior card day. I will explain the cards!

A few moments later….

Little Bill: I got the black card, can I have another chance?

And then Little Bill gets grounded

by iloveurbandictionary😊😍😃 January 23, 2022

Five Card Draw

A form of poker where each player (typically 2-6 players per table) are each dealt five cards and try to make the best five card hand after discarding from none to all of their cards ans receiving new ones in their place. The action plays as follows:

-- All players throw in an ante before the cards are dealt.

-- The two players left of the Dealer Button throw in their Small Blind and Big Blind, respectively.

-- Five cards are dealt to each player.

-- Starting from the player to the left of the Big Blind, players may call, raise, or fold in turn until all action is complete.

-- The remaining players may then discards any number of cards (starting with the first remaining player to the left of the Dealer Button), from none of them (a "Stand Pat") to all of them.

-- Another betting round then occurs starting from the same player.

-- Assuming that at least two players are left by the end of the round, players reveal their hands in clockwise order starting from the leftmost player from the button (if there were no bets in the round), or from the last player to bet/raise in the round.

-- The player with the best five card hand wins the pot, and the process is continued for next hand.

Five Card Draw is commonly played as a Pot Limit or Limit game, but online No Limit games are also sometimes available.

Five Card Draw events in the World Series of Poker have diminished over the years, pushed out by the rising popularity of No Limit Texas Hold 'em and other such games as Omaha and Seven Card Stud.

"Five Card Draw is such an classic game, sometimes my family sits around the table and plays with nickels and dimes just for fun."

by Wilkin April 17, 2008

UNO Reverse Card

The ultimate card that will always be effective upon usage to a living and non living being.

This card is currently the most devastating weapon out there.

The speciality of this card:
• It will 1000% reverse the acts of what the living/non living being are doing to you.
• It has no expire date as long as it's in good condition
• For this item to take it's action, it will react in an instant, in fact, even if an atom bomb is right above your head and you pull out the UNO Reverse Card, it will instantly ricochet to where it originally was.

Cashier: "That'll be $420 and 69¢"
Me: pulls out UNO Reverse Card "Not today sir!"
Cashier: "Aw man, you got me there. Alright, next!"

by Cheese Broccoli Pizza April 30, 2020

Three Card Charlie

The act of a man placing his penis in a woman's mouth after removing it from their partner's ass, during a sexual encounter involving three persons. Thus, doing ass to mouth with the woman in waiting.

Bob is having anal sex with Jill while her friend Jane is in waiting. Bob then preforms a Three Card Charlie by removing his penis from Jill's ass and placing it into Jane's mouth.

by Milaga November 9, 2008

Flash cards and freak

When two students want to netflix and chill but need to study

"I want to hang out but I have to study"
"It's okay. We can flash cards and freak"

by Bellacapri01 November 9, 2015

Thanks for nothing card

A blank 'thank you' card sent anonymously to someone, particularly an employer or potential employer, who has treated you badly.

He opened the envelope and found a thank you card, but there was nothing written in it or on it. Completely blank. The envelope had no return address. What did this mean and who sent it to him? Was it a mistake? Hmmm?

This man received a 'thanks for nothing card' or TFN card.

by John the man 2012 March 10, 2012

Infinite Reverse card

Infinite Reverse Card is a more powerful version of the Uno reverse card and Billions of times stronger than no u

the Infinite Reverse card is the holy grail of reverse cards and can obliterate your opponents even if they have a Uno reverse card

Person 1: ur stupid and ugly
Person 2: no u
Person 1: Uno reverse card
Person 2: Infinite reverse card
Person 1: * screams in terror and dies a bloody and brutal death*

by VexxyTrexxy February 22, 2021