A group chat specifically for sharing the most elite house music.
-Yoo did you hear that new track?
-nahh, send that straight to the track chat.
A chat lock-in is a situation where a person locks you into a one-way conversation where they proceed to tell you every detail of whatever comes to their mind without letting you add to the conversation or politely end the conversation.
Once in a chat lock-in it is very difficult to end the conversation and you must find or invent new and enhanced methods to escape this lock-in.
Get away. Get away as fast as you can.
Person one: Huwww boy, what a day.
Person two: Really, what makes you say that?
<commence chat lock-in>
Person one: <Proceeds to talk endlessly about subjects which are vaguely related to your original question>
Famfam chat - n. Group of home boys who drink every chance they get, half don't have jobs, and none have girlfriends, yet think they can "get some" like Ice Poseidon.
"hey bro are you in famfam chat?"
"yes bro I'm gay"
When someone’s chatting on someone’s name, they are talking about them behind their back (usually in a negative way)
Chatting on someone’s name examples
“Stop chatting on Mike’s name”
“I heard him chatting on my name the other day”
Under Chat is program that turns gay men into gay pornstars. It consists of forming a jizzcicle out of cum and eating it, in some cases the Bloody Dragon is preformed to add flair to the concoction. After that they are inducted into the world of gay porn and can preform all of the buggery their heart's desire.
Mike-"Did you hear that Jake is going through Under Chat?!"
Ethan- "Yeah he is at the top of his class, with him being the only one to attempt a Bloody Dragon during the program."
The smelly home to some of the smelliest cringiest people on the planet!
Circuit : "Help, I'm in speculation chat, and I can't get out, send help!"
Dead Chat usually means well, the chat isn't talking that often.
"dead chat, no one is talking lmaooo"