Sack of dreams is the term for a relationship that is, simply, doomed to failure. This is often because the relationship is not serious, or just because the people are too young.
This might be the first girlfriend/boyfriend you had, as you likely were not ready (or legally able) to get quite so serious yet.
This term is particularly effective in the labeling of teens and their short-lived relationships. Make sure to tell your friends, but the Spanish is always better!
It's like a code:
Sacko de suenos de (Person X) y (Person Y).
It's pretty hard to understand unless they speak Spanish, and still, the phrase is obscure.
If you think that sack of dreams is random, it is completely up to you to choose how to diversify it and make it fit the needs of the relationship you are mocking. For example, making a dream-catcher and randomly handing it to Person X/Y, or decorating sacks with hearts and throwing them on the floor behind Person X and Person Y walking near each other or together.
Have fun with this!
Sacko de suenos definition by example:
Person X and Person Y are walking together.
You: "Sacko de suenos!" (sack of dreams)
Person X: "Huh?"
You: "Oh, it's nothing."
Devious chuckle...
(Please only do this with understanding Persons X and Y, or you might get rumors spread about you or simply be named Juan until next year).
Sacko de suenos has been used, as you are referencing the relationship between Person X and Person Y.
A person or corporate entity that specializes in, or claims to be capable of, helping people fulfill their dreams, fantasies, or deepest aspirations. They are most often empty promises, and the recipients of such services are usually expected to pay a fee in return.
BEWARE of the words: "Come with me and I'll make you famous!" For they are usually uttered from the lips of Dream Merchants.
The American Dream (to the eyes of a European) could be summerized by just one picture: a bald eagle with its wings spread out, with a 50. minigun under each one while the American flag waves pridefully in the background
You can't spell American Dream without spelling Eric Andre
To females, the American Dream is the house with the white fence, the kids, the dogs, and the whole shebang.
To males, the American Dream is having a cool $20mil in the bank; allowing him any kind of lifestyle that he craves.
Did you know that Tess married a rich brain surgeon? They live right on the beach in Malibu, and you got to see the blue eyes of her newborn boy. They are living the American dream.
Creative mode. That's it. Just creative mode. :3
Bro you lucid dreaming?
Nah just sleep deprived.
when you go to sleep at night you can only wish for these... when you really like someone you dream that your huggling them... only you wake up to find its just a pillow
i cant wait to sleep tonight might get some dream huggles