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Daniel Johns

Daniel Johns
Daniel Paul Johns is an Australian musician, singer, and songwriter best known as the former frontman, guitarist, and main songwriter of the rock band Silverchair.

He is a Scoundrel who has been at odds with Batman, and most recently has been accused of breaking up the Beatles.

Daniel Johns AKA The Scoundrel fought valiantly against Batman when his font was stolen.

Daniel Johns has a super cute dog.

by beruthiel_ May 20, 2022

daniel larruso

A karate master

You are such a Daniel larruso

by The cool guy 21 January 4, 2021

Daniel Holland

Do not anger at all cost, He is one of the worlds dangerous kid hacker
Call police when sighted

BEWARE Daniel Holland

by Tom Walter February 8, 2018

Danielle stopframe

a really hot character, from the series "morel Orel"

Person one: "Danielle stopframe is hot"

Person two: "get away from me"

by Spiritphones February 1, 2022

Jeanne Daniels

Vegan Lady that ruined the Tarrytown Shopping Center. She got rid of the best restraunt ever, Holiday House, because they served meat. She is a fucking nazi.

person one: What happened to Tarrytown Shopping Center? It used to BALL!

person two: The vegan lady Jeanne Daniels took over.

by Blakeeeee July 7, 2008

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Jackson

Noun: A character of the movie Stargate and the TV show Stargate SG1. He is a main character in, so far, all seasons except for 6.
Adjective: Nerd, geek, archeologist, compassionate, forgiving, dies-a-lot... (see a character profile of Daniel Jackson)
Verb: 1 The act of dieing and coming back to life.
2 The act of making it look as if one is dead and then reappearing very much alive.

Daniel Jackson isn't actually going to die in this episode.
Stop being such a Daniel Jackson!
Wow... I just pulled a 'Daniel Jackson'.

by Sepik June 28, 2006

82πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Leal

A 13 yo boy in Monterrey that flexes money that is not his and also he claims to be rich af and collaborate with famous artists but he rarely has over 50 Spotify monthly listeners

He also has lied about: owning lots of designer shoes, clothes etc , about being signed by universal music and last but not least, he has lied about having friends

Bill: Bro did you hear Daniel leal’s new song

Mike: Yeah it was trash af, that dude really can’t sing

Bill: I know fucking irrelevant

by assc69 June 30, 2020

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