After a particularly seismic bout of anal sex a girl may request a keep-in.
She gives a little squeeze to stop you slipping out and once it’s settled in place then you fall asleep inside her.
Girl, over her shoulder - “that mucktail earlier has me horny for weeks. Can we do a keep-in? I want to be woken up by you getting busy with your morning glory. Please babe?”
After a particularly seismic bout of anal sex a girl may request a keep-in.
She gives a little squeeze to stop you slipping out and once it’s settled in place then you fall asleep inside her.
Girl, over her shoulder - “that mucktail earlier has me horny for weeks. Can we do a keep in? I want to wake up to you getting busy with your morning glory. Please babe?”
Something an old crackhead called Cathy will say to you after almost being ran over by some lip in a car near to a care home in central Birmingham (may also happen outside a nursery with a name that kind of rhymes with tittle nipple, but this is rare). The phrase will be spoken when the crackface opens their legs outside an old dirty phone box, and tries to smooth talk you. Usually followed by a loud cackle. This strange sound is the crackholes mating call. If the crackbum says this phrase to you, run away to the nearest off license and buy some fruit gums.
Charlie Help! There is a crackhead walking towards me!
Kaid Hopefully some lip will run her over and save us!
Cathy Keep on screwing!
Both Aaahhh! Kill her!
Cathy You lips! KEEP ON SCREWING!
Both Disembowl her dead corpse!
To Keep it G Real, of Keep it Gangsta Real, is to be completely honest and true to oneself and others. Similar to the term keeping it real but the distinction between these phrases is that Keeping it G Real means that said individual uses things such as their neighborhood, of hood, groups and other people with credibility they may be associated with to validate their statements. Popularized by the late Vincent Brown, A.K.A. G Real, in the viral video where he tells his op, “today I got time.”
I’m going to Keep it G Real, you disrespected me, you disrespected my hood. I’ll show you how gangsta I am.
A short form for “keep but ignore”
Frequently used on apps
“Tell me, Keep Bign or ignore?”
Alright partner, keep on Rollin' baby. You know what time it is.
Hey Dan, keep on Rollin' baby.
Old-fashioned informal for trying to stay happy when things are difficult:
US and Canadian slang a vulgar slang word for penis.
Keep your pecker up, old chap. Things will work out in the end.
You're an idiot. Probably got a small pecker too.