Source Code

poop leg

one that craps dirreha in their pants

danny harris pooped his pants he is now a poopleg

by jake parson March 28, 2003

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pussy on a leg

Is self explained. Can be used in any situation. It was inspired by a game of catch phrase

Today I was walking down the street and this bitch said hello and i said "pussy on a leg".

Or, how is your day, oh it was "pussy on a leg".

I love this "pussy on a leg" juice


by Firippu October 23, 2008

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Wank Legs

When after a wank while standing up, the muscles in your legs cramp, causing mild but persistent pain.

X: "Dude, why do you always walk like a cowboy?"
Y: "I get really bad wank legs from jerking off so much while standing up. I just can't keep my hands off myself."
X: "You need to get a girlfriend/boyfriend"
Y: "What's girlfriend/boyfriend supposed to mean? Are you suggesting I might be gay?"
X: "Yes."

by miscapprox June 20, 2011

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Spider Legs

When a skinny teenager wheres super-tight dark coloured pants, more often when wearing a thick jacket, it looks like spider legs.

look at her spider legs.

that group of emo kids have spider legs.

by CurvedMirror February 11, 2010

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Spaghetti Legs

A VERY lame dance move, most likely used by someone who doesn't know how to properly dance.
It involves the "dancer" to walk around with their legs wobbling around like they have no knees, thus giving it a spaghetti resemblance.
It frequently scares the female population, although most females don't want to admit how horrifying it is in case it hurts the "dancers" feelings.

Mark: Hey guys!!! Check out my spaghetti legs!!!!

The Crew: Oh God......(Looking away in embarassment and hope that it will stop before anyone else sees)

by Bored_97 February 2, 2010

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Crab legs

a state of superiorty or envy, being cool, or liked

that car is so crab legs with those rims

by haiasi69 April 20, 2008

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Another word for performing oral sex on a female.

"Honey i really want a turkey-leg."

by TrinaBi0tches November 11, 2011

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