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2 logs down

taking a shit
(can be hazardous while camping)

I shouldn't of eaten that burrito, now i need to go 2 logs down

by Don Faith June 4, 2006

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oil my log

to apply oil to someones penis

Randy: oil my log?
Jamal: whip your trousers down.

by Jamal Hunter October 29, 2008

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Russian Log Jam

The art of pooping on one's vagina and then having sex with it, using the fecis as lubricant

"I had to take a shit, so i just Russian Log Jammed her."

by Blake Miniard October 16, 2008

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Log Cabin Lesbian

Typically resides in rural areas. Likes to lay claim to being the only gay woman in town. Usually dates women who already have a boyfriend. Preferred mode of dress is flannel and steel toed boots. Knows her way around power tools. Can usually be found drinking and brawling at the local bar. Would never be confused with a Lipstick Lesbian.

Melissa Etheridge, Log Cabin Lesbian

by Empress Jade July 29, 2010

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Sawing Logs

Giving a man a rough handjob.

My arms are so tired, I've been sawing logs all day.

by Tucker Brant June 29, 2021

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Log ride

The extension of a blumpy where you are taking a shit with a girl sitting on your boner, having a great ride!!

Hey baby. Before I finish this shit, stop the blumpy and hop on board for a log ride!!!

by Biff J Kowalski July 14, 2010

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log cabin republican

A gay republican. It refers to Abraham Lincoln - a Republican president whose sexuality has long been debated. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin. Hence, Log Cabin Republican.

Person One: Rzs must be a queeny fag.
Person Two: Really? Isn't he a republican?
Person One: Yea, a log cabin republican. Just like Larry Craig.
Person Two: So, is he also a self-hating bigot?
Person One: Honey, all log cabin republicans are.

by Splurge24 August 19, 2008

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