Robin is an amazing genuine guy. When acting he tends to play intense villainous roles such as Oswald Cobblepot in Gotham, but deep down he’s a big softie. He is also an lgbtq icon for many of his fans
I love robin lord taylor so much
Influential, aggressive males under 5'7. Value respect and allegiance above all else. Often hard-working and aggressive as an outcome of compensation. When you come across one, you can just tell: their favorite character in the film Shrek is Lord Farquaad.
An attractive trait if monitored. Despotic if left unchecked.
Fiona: His empire is hot but his insecurity is not.
Lucy: He's got serious Lord Farquaad Energy.
"Lord Viper Scorpion" was a character from Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" performed by Tom Johnson in several episodes in the 2000 to 2001 seasons. "Lord Viper Scorpion" was the anonymous self proclaimed Internet expert or hacker that appears onscreen with his face pixelated and altered voice.
A "Lord Viper Scorpion" is a person that hides behind a laughable veneer of pretentious, posturing aggressiveness and claims knowledge or power over others but is really ineffectual and is meek in person.
Don't worry about his threats, he's a "Lord Viper Scorpion".
Its in his blood to be a douche. The douchiest of the douche.
"I now pronounce you, Raymond Albert Torres Jr Lord Douchington III"
Prayer used to beseech divine intervention for someone afflicted with constipation and in the grips of a prolonged blum
I've been struggling all day to take a dump and all I have to show for it is a few crumbs. May the lord open.
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Twitter Chick-fil-A account ran by a Homophobic and Racist troll named iE.
I had the Lord’s Chicken for lunch today, I’m now protected from catching the Gays.
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Ghirahim (ギラヒム Girahimu?) is one of the two main antagonists of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. He is a white-haired humanoid being with a long tongue, and wears flamboyant clothing covered in diamond patterns. He is the lord of the demons who begin to plague The Surface during the events of the game. He is actively hunting Zelda, and is able to detect her presence. At first, he cares little for whether Link lives or dies, though he becomes increasingly frustrated by Link's interference with his plans.
At first glance, Demon Lord Ghirahim appears to be calm, confident, and collected, although very flamboyant. He often acts gentlemanly, speaking eloquently and formally introducing himself to Link. He even shows a slight sense of sportsmanship at the beginning, promising not to murder Link, as it would be unfair. He also exhibits traits of narcissism, which are especially evident in his second fight with Link. He has little concept of personal space, as he seems to relish invading Link's. He also has a flair for the dramatic, and enjoys using broad gestures.
However, beneath his calm exterior is a violent and sadistic psychopath. As the story progresses, his composure progressively shatters, and his mannerisms and speech become more melodramatic, colorful, and violent. At his core, Ghirahim is merciless, and enjoys bloodshed. He appears to enjoy mocking his victims, shown by insulting Groose before kicking him out the way. His violent personality shows quite graphically in the way he frequently licks his lips during a fight, and even licks the blade of his sword after landing a hit on Link during their second battle. Ghirahim frequently loses himself to uncontrollable rage, easily finding excuses to take his anger out on Link. He also enjoys intimidating and toying with his victims, frequently teleporting behind Link during battle, and making colorful threats, such as promising not to kill him but rather beat him within an inch of his life.
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