The ability to be mentally telepathic, while remaining totally ambivalent to what is being detected.
Person 1: "Hmm..."
Person 2: "I know exactly what your thinking but I couldn't give a damn."
Person 1: "Why not?"
Person 2: "Because I have mental telapathy."
The state of mind of a henchmen/goon/minion etc where no matter what will believe they can win the fight. Leagues of comrades have fallen but no, they individually think they built different.
Batman's taken down every single person in the building but Phil. However Phil doesn't surrender he's got that minion mentality
Ollies mental health is so bad that noone can fix it.
person 1: i cant believe its so bad
person 2: yeah, its just as bad as ollies mental health
Making temporary note of something in your cranium
Dave: "What was the name of the girl you took home last night?"
JimmyGumJobs: "Don't know, only wrote her name down in mental pencil, won't see her again."
A description for a person or group of people who cannot form opinions from their own perspective and instead have others such as corporations/institutions indoctrinate them on how to think and feel, comparable to being a slave.
"Anyone who trusts any mainstream news outlet is mentally whipped"
When you shake your pill bottles like maracas.
Kayleigh: “Lily, look at my mental maracas!”
*shakes pill bottles*
Lily: “you freak.”
A word that describes someone who has the mentality to become a 3x St George Football Champion, U14 Asian Cup Champion, 2x Ballingardcup Champion and 6x McDonald's MVP.
Can also be said as "TPJ Mentality".
"Braa he got that Tom Pham's mentality! He's cool asf!"
"You don't know me, you don't have that TPJ mentality!"