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The term is used when you seem to be racist.

"You're black so you don't have rights like us white people" Racistism

by Gogo234 November 15, 2021

Skittle Racist

A person who doesn't tip a fast-food deliverer due to the race of said deliverer.

"Dude, Mohammed delivered my curry 2 hours late, he didn't get his two pence tip. Am I a Skittle Racist?"

by Haffnaff March 17, 2012

Mobile Racist

A person who sits on social media and does nothing but troll other people based on race. They throw old statistics and refuse to acknowledge new information. These people probably never done nothing to help their own community but are obsessed with tearing down others. Arguing with them is like talking to a brick wall. Mobile racists rarely has any educated facts and throws racial slurs in response to experiencing cognitive dissonance. These clowns most likely never experienced racism in their life but go off based on stereotypes.
This behaviour is usually from incels more than women. They usually take the time to create fake Instagram pages about races, especially Black people, and post disturbing photos with racist commentary.

Mobile racist: Slavery ended 200 years ago!! Get over it.

Mobile racist: When one person does something its on the whole community

Mobile racist: BuT BlACK LiVES MaTteR RiGhT??

by wigsnatcha April 9, 2021

High-functioning Racist

Someone who isn't racist, but propagate common racist myths, things that "everyone knows is true" but have no base in facts.

She didn't say it to be mean, she's just a high-functioning racist.

by Morphman the Clown September 18, 2017

Racist Alien

A person who will go by the name "Kyo" online andwill threaten the individuals "Soraval" and "Frizzoe" due to their race (not mario kart)

"I don't know figure it out yourself, I'm just a racist alien"

by November 27, 2023

Racist Reindeer

WHAT THE!! That dumb reindeer gotta be high to be rasist

Racist Reindeer

by XDomglolomg December 7, 2018

1👍 3👎

But you stan racists

Is a sentence that people love to use when they don't know how to defend their faves in other ways so they decides to victimize racism and hurt pocs. Stop using racism when it benefits you.

Nctzen: "we really need to discuss how insert an idol did blackface and should be hold accountable". Or "I don't think insert an idol is a better than mines" or "nct outsold"
Insert fandom name: "Well atleast my faves aren't racists" or "but you stan racists." "worry about your own faves that are racist!!"

by Seulgisf4iry July 2, 2021