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Circle Rainbow

A crude name referring to a homosexual man or woman. "Rainbow" refers to the gay rights symbol. "Circle" refers to the term "Straight as a circle".

Hey look at that circle rainbow.

by LiberalAgnosticStyles December 5, 2009

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Rainbow Hooker

A brightly dressed woman who sells her sex for moneys.

Pearl looks like a rainbow hooker when she wears the matching dress.

by NotGunnaTell January 29, 2009

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beef rainbow

When a mans dick is resting on a woman's vagina and the vaginal lips overlay the penis' shaft.

Don't go through my photos because you'll see some major beef rainbow pics, man.

by TBanger69 December 20, 2016

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Rainbow Ride

When a number of women put on a different shade of lipstick each and all take turns blowing a guy, mixing the colors creating a "rainbow" like appearance on the man's crouch, therefore a "Rainbow Ride".

Last night Jenn, Colleen, and Stina put put on blue, yellow, and red lipstick and gave me a rainbow ride.

by Lotto23 January 31, 2005

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Rainbow Fart

Rainbow Farts happen when you end up eating too much colorful food like skittles and M&Ms to the point where you shit out farts that are rainbows.

*Jacob munches on some M&Ms*
Jacob: *FARTS*

by Khagreytits September 8, 2014

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rainbow pash

Cunnilingus while the woman is on her period.
This is followed by an open mouth kiss which is ideally bloody.

Adam: I think i might be a vampire!
John: Why would you think that?
Adam: Jill requested I perform a rainbow pash on her last night and i quite enjoyed it.
Adam: Stop biting my neck!

by van_tango January 16, 2008

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rainbow bruise

a bruise that consists of a bajillion (about 5 or 6) colors. a person can get these bruises most likely in the bicep area while playing a contact sport...especially the sport of lacrosse

After playing lacrosse for the whole season my rainbow bruise is massive, and has about 6 colors in it

by Aubrey Burt July 18, 2006

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