some bitch that walks into a bar, grabs the wrisp of the nearest guy and leads him a pool table, strips completely naked and rides his cock then fucks another 10 to 15 guys with with the entire place watching
pool table Betty walked in the the bar and lead some random dude back to a table and fucked the shit out him and then took it in the ass from 10 more guys.
There is a massive pink horse “wee wee” shaped dildo in there
Cal’s bedside table has a pink dildo in it.
A girl for example A**a that goes into an establishment for example O**o - particulary those that have rich people in it. Will hop/join a table to us the guys tho buy drinks and post the entire time on their social platforms such as instagram.
Please see definition for example of table whore
Having a girl get on her hands and knees in front of the television while you drink beer, eat snacks, and have vigorous sex with her from behind...all at the same time.
Man last night ole girl let me have a snack table, but i ran out of beer right in the middle of it, so next time ill have a 12 pack.
A table eater usually takes the name dean after falling on to a table and smashing his teeth
Omg did you see that guy smashing his teeth of the table he's such a table eater
Refers to any debris-cluttered horizontal-topped item of furniture normally used for dining, writing/drawing, repairing/constructing, etc.
You can often tell the difference between a bachelor-pad and a couple/family-apartment simply by glancing around to observe how stuff is arranged --- if there's a lady in the house, everything will generally be neat and orderly, whereas a guy who lives alone will likely have at least one crap table where the flotsam and jetsam of typical everyday single-dude existence tends to gravitate to and then never see the light of day for months... he simply tosses his randomly-acquired tidbits there because at the time the items seem too precious/possibly-useful to discard, but then when he eventually has to rummage through his "treasures" to find some solitary item he put there six months ago, he face-palmingly wonders why he ever held onto most of the crap in the first place (extra points if he thought to drag over a wastebasket before beginning his "attack" on the pile).
Girl: I wish I had a sex table
Guy: I have one. Wanna use it just me and u?
Girl: Of course I would!