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The godliest word ever, those who protect the bop become gods themselves.

Person one: Bop
Person two: ...
Person one: Bop bop bop bop-
Person two: Stop bopping

by RP_HelloFriends June 3, 2021


A multiuse word that can be said when hitting someone or something or when completing most actions

George bopped Scott on the shoulder

by Theugabugaler April 9, 2019


A bop means a girl that is ran through or you can translate it to hoe.

Christian Davis calls people a "bop" in Mrs. Hoopers class

by blayne donnell January 12, 2023


Bop can also mean to show boobs on camera

Can u bop (show boobs). Babe am horny bop pls🥵

by November 15, 2020


Bitch On a Penis

Karla: Lemme.Lemme find out you like m-
Mike: Stfu you dumb bop

by TrickyDanceMoves November 7, 2020


Babes of Porn

That new Bop Hkuse of full of the next generation of porn stars….

by Llokum Shpirt December 26, 2024


a bop is a female that’s basically a hoe slut or whore and had been around the block

shordy ass a bop omm

by the incognito truth teller May 16, 2022