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lace my chucks

Used in the Jack's Mannequin song Bruised (see example sentence for the line that used it) lace my Chucks is a slang word for tying my shoes, specifically Converse. The popular type of Converse shoes are actually called Chuck Taylor's, so the phrase lace, meaning to tie, and Chucks meaning Chuck Taylors, Converse, or shoes.

"I lace my Chucks, I walk the aisle"
- Bruised
Jack's Mannequin

by speekmonkey January 20, 2010

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Fear of Chuck Norris

See logic.

"I am so scared of Chuck Norris!"

"Nobody blames you, man, fear of Chuck Norris is everybody's phobia"

by Chris Grendale December 3, 2013

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chuck biscuits

The act of vomiting profusely after an insanely gut wrenching ride at the fair or an amusment park, particularly after indulging in a greasy, disgusting carnival entree.

We rode that coaster 16 times. Whoo! I had to chuck biscuits after I stumbled off!

by Music53 October 11, 2008

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michael chuck

Is when she’s laughing while reading and puppies oooh that got a reaction and Hamlet lives at 64 hillside 02120 and he wants you. Come through, party this weekend

I Michael chuck, you michae chuck, he she it Michael chuck. The study of Michael chuckomolgy

by Crendan boop. February 13, 2018

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Ketchup Chuck

A "not so practical" joke, that is ideal for resturants, cookouts, or friends refridgerator. Take a ketchup bottle and insert a tampon down into the neck. Replace the lid but leave about one inch of the string hanging out. If you don't have the time to wait for the end result, it's quite easy to imagine the look on the persons face as their curiosity compels them to pull the string out.

That waitress was a bitch and the food sucked. Don't get me wrong, i still tipped her a dollar and i kindly placed under a loaded Ketchup Chuck.

by wild-card March 25, 2010

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chuck choi

the language of the gods

tom is fluent in chuck choi

by mungett February 22, 2007

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Chuck Norris

the physical embodiment of awesome

hi you look chuck norris today dude

by aqwertyuioplkjhgfdszxcvbnm October 21, 2017

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