Source Code

Code 1

The term for an extremely overweight Indian who loves the Yankees and jerking off to pics of A-Rod in a thong.

There goes code 1, he's checking out that guy over there.

by My name is not Samir April 5, 2011

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nuclear codes

A euphemism for genitals, particularly in the context of sexting.

Bro: I sent her my nuclear codes last night. Let's just say there's going to be a launch this weekend.

by YoloMachine December 31, 2014

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Code 3

A hot female has been spotted. Usually followed by a more descriptive location so that every male within earshot can come see.

Can be altered with the term Emergency, to denote a super hottie has been spotted.

Code 3, 12 o'clock, Main Lobby.

Emergency Code 3, West Wing, All hands on deck Stat.

by popejohn666 February 3, 2010

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code 3

After discovering your girlfriend is pregnant, you act like you are gonna give her a hug and then punch her in the stomach. A homemade abortion

I was so happy! And then Roger gave me a code 3! I wanted that kid so bad

I'm not worried about it. If she gets pregnant I'll just give her a code 3

by hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahb February 4, 2009

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Cargo Code

Code that is very similar to cargo pants, i.e. appears to have utility to the person writing it but is an embarrassment to all others, opening the developer (or wearer in the case of cargo pants) to justifiable ridicule.

Cyril thought creating a factory with a bunch of if/else statements based on type was a great idea, while the rest of the team just used Ninject, laughing at it his use of Cargo Code. And he did it in cargo pants. Nerd.

by Ryan Ceee February 20, 2014

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Code G

A booty call, often a spur of the moment decision. Usually not that great of a booty call

Man looks like he had a Code G on his hands last night

by teddy2011 November 12, 2010

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ho coded

When ya gots a ho in every zip code.

"You got hos from coast to coast, in every zip code. You're ho coded."

by Donna Marie Jendritza May 16, 2010

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