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Sparkling Water

Describes a person who looks confident and knowledgable about something but he/she is not actually that great. So we say they are sparkling, but they are weak as liquid (water).

Isaac: OMG, Kimmy looks like he is so good at data science.

Bob: He is sparkling water.

by Jacktor April 20, 2019

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Water Apartment

Term for the grand space of a handicap stall in a bathroom. Spun off the old term of water closet which was, for all purposes, just a toilet in a space the size of a phone booth. Usually contain a jump seat for a child or little friend, bars you can rest your head on for a quick nap, and a coat hook on the door. In most cases also contains a working door latch, something that is missing in the toilet booths.

Similar to the Taj Mahstall but with fewer amenities.

See also Taj Mahstall, Water Apartment and Toilet Booth.

by Sci-Fi Wasabi May 12, 2010

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Water Dip

When your D is so big it touches the water when you sit down on the toilet to take a dump.

Damn bra, last night I was takin a huge shit and I took a water dip

by K-Rich January 6, 2006

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Water broke

When nasty stuff comes out of the cootchie. A precursor to the birth of an 18 year burden.

I was working when my water broke, all this nasty, slimy stuff came out of my cootchie.

by dahbe July 13, 2009

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Tap water

When someone or something is lame as hell

For example:

yo that party was so tap water.

Dude connor is super tap water.

by Kozic May 11, 2016

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Poo water

Recycled water, i.e. water from the toilet that is treated to be fit for human consumption.

I don't like to drink poo water.

by Ahluul September 6, 2006

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beard water

Water that collects on a man's facial hair that is imparted to a woman's cheek when he kisses her. The amount of water collected increases with the awesomeness of the beard.

"Ugh, gross, beard water! Did you wipe your face?"

by Liz by way of jim June 9, 2012

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