Source Code

Box Of Snakes

If something is good enough to make you dance, its a box of snakes.

"Hello Person A, do you like my new hat?"
"Why Person B, that hat is a BOX OF SNAKES"

by John Bannor July 8, 2006

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cardboard boxing

when the girl's body is too ugly or fat and you have no choice but to fuck her. The best method would be to put her in a cardboard box.

Drill a hole in the cardboard box where her pussy is-easy access for the dick-cardboard boxing

by Aleeesia November 16, 2011

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Ice Box

Placing a Wendy's frostie (ice) on the vagina (box) of a female, and then proceeding to eat the frostie.

After I gave her that ice box, there wasn't just Frostie on her face if you know what I mean.

Joe: Dude I got Wendy's last night with my girl ;)
Mike: Oh shit did you hit her up with that Ice Box!!!
Joe: Hell yeah I did.

by RoasterExpert9000 June 4, 2017

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shit box

A shit box is another word for a mammals anal sphincter.

Yo, check out the shit box on that
bar-whore over there!

by MT Sack June 21, 2003

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(n)1. Literally a box filled with shit. 2. A car so thoroughly crappy (I.E. one with a muffler hanging off and/or a dented up car) that everyone hates it and calls it a shit-box.

"Damn! Your car is a shit-box!"

by James May 29, 2003

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hose box

1) the uterine canal leading extending to the external orifice of the feminine privies
2) vagina

My dad called me a hose box for years...that means pussy.

by uncle__dank June 4, 2004

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fish box

a womans smelly vagina,after a big sex workout.

after being at it all night I told her to have a shower and get rid of the

by MADANGEL July 24, 2005

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