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Instant Youtube Sensation

Any Youtube video that has achieved:
1. Millions of hits instantaneously.
2. A cult following or numerous parodies on other televised media.
3. Provoked numerous responses or imitations in a short amount of time.

Common examples of instant Youtube sensations include the Star Wars kid, Crazy frog, Cadbury gorilla and recent eyebrow advert, Sarah Silverman's "fucked Matt Damon" sketch, etcetera. Basically any video that matches the definition.

by Firelovesugar March 18, 2009

58๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

The weird part of Youtube

The weird part of YouTube is typically an area full of video irrelevant to what you were originally watching. These videos would normally go untouched, but become popular when a significant amount of people follow of a chain of "related videos" into said area of YouTube. These videos usually have misleading titles and thumbnails, or are just plain... weird.

Since most people become confused when they somehow cross into the weird part of YouTube, they share the experience by commenting about it, usually to find that a great many of YouTubers have also reached this conclusion

"I was watching a video about Gary Coleman and 5 'related videos' later I got stuck in the weird part of Youtube."

"Somebody help me! I've been stuck in the weird part of Youtube for 5 days! I'm surrounded by deformed babies and old people!"

"Somehow I stumbled into the weird part of Youtube and I've never wanted to punch something so badly."

by Shyfty Semantics November 8, 2011

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YouTube comment section

Often filled with Porn bots, Annoyingly overused memes, bad jokes, and arguments usually over the dumbest of problems.

The YouTube comment section is a dangerous place.

by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 14, 2021

26๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

YouTube Rewind 2018

Like Always even more cringier then last years (A.K.A. Cringier then YouTube Rewind 2017) , But hey Marshmello is in it again. And 3 people aren't in it this year, so -750 Cringe points (each is -250 cringe points) they are Lele Pons, Logan Paul, and Jake Paul. Not much else to say

Bob: Hey have you seen YouTube Rewind 2018? I haven't any thing to say about it?
Ron: Yeah I have, the one thing I have to say... DON'T WATCH IT!!! It's worse than last year.

by HI IM DERP December 7, 2018

54๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

the worst youtuber on earth

Morgz. Fuck Morgz man.

Person one: Hey whoโ€™s the worst youtuber on earth.
Everyone in fucking existence: Morgz

by Itsyourpieceofshit April 14, 2020

The weird part of youtube

The section of Youtube that consists of the odd videos that are submitted. Normally reached by consistently clicking on "Suggestions" or "Recommended Videos."

How did I end up in the weird part of Youtube?

by BooglyBoo May 2, 2012

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The Weird Part of YouTube

Normally reached by endlessly clicking on recommended videos, the Weird Part of YouTube can also be reached in the vice-versa sense, as in once you're there, you can also endlessly click of recommended videos to get out. See paradoxical loop.

After more than three hours of watching recommended videos, Randy Marsh had finally reached his ultimate goal: the Weird Part of YouTube.

Cue the Internet Shortage episode of South Park.

by WildfireMax_RBX July 27, 2015

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