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Lily’s and Billy’s

A term used by only the smartest of people who have enormous dicks and the word can not be understood by simple humans

Lily’s and Billy’s all the way my men’s

by Dr Lochlann June 16, 2018


A female, that sucks dick usually for food like cereal. While listing to an up beat song to get a fast pace rhythm of sucking dick.

Kaylee uses her boppin-billy skills to provide for her fifteen kids.

by Lightskin6969696969 December 2, 2013

Danish billy

A dick

Matt put his Danish billy in my honey hole

by Brad nurmo January 8, 2022

Billy Andrews

Not only is Billy fit, he is the most caring and considerate person you’ll ever meet. He has the biggest heart of gold and brightest blue eyes. He’ll make you belly laugh or even snort like a pig 😂. If you have a Billy in your life you are one lucky person, but this billy really does belong to Cheese 😉

Billy Andrews is a top geezer

Have you seen Billy Andrews is a right dilf

by Stringycheddarcheese March 4, 2022

Billy Carter

The one time self proclaimed king of rednecks. Was known to roam around his hometown in south Georgia in his obnoxious pickup truck equipped with smokestacks donning the words REDNECK POWER. Always seen in public guzzling PBR being extremely intoxicated but being quickly dismissed by local law enforcement due to being a 'good ole boy', and being the brother of an American president. Ran an hole in the wall gas station where he peddled the worlds most shittiest beer labeled with his name. Engaged in many successful attempts to throughly humiliate his brother.

Hey, let's take a trip down south to Jimmy land and see Billy Carters gas station.

by sicmyduck June 28, 2019

Billy wallace

Your local pasty white kid

Billy is such a Billy wallace

by billy57577575456738396278 September 10, 2018

Billy the Quid

Billy is a local legend in the West Malling area , his name originally came from his catchphrase "got a quid" which has now become infamous among the citizens of Kent.

Billy the Quid - "Got a quid, mate?"
some other geezer - "shut up im tryna save up for backy"

by batty man420 March 8, 2022