A term for a college football bowl game that no one gives an absolute shit about.
Guy 1: Hey man are you gonna watch that bowl game?
Guy 2: Nah it’s a cheez-It bowl no one cares about that shit.
The magic goblin that sneaks in to your room at night and smokes out of your bowl and torches all of your devil's lettuce
Hey bro, I think the bowl goblin broke in last night
When you and a friend or two get in the car and move from mall to Walmart to where ever any stoner would go, smoking a few bowls of pot, and chill out there for a little wile.
R: Tim and me went to the mall, Walmart, and guitar center like 6 times on saturday.
J: Sounds boring.
R: no, we where bowl hopping
Having 3 or more dicks in your pussy at once
Man, that sausage bowl we did with Isabel last night was intense
A packed marijuana bowl coated in Kief giving it a sugar-coated or "frosted" look
"My kief box is full, wanna smoke a frosted bowl?
The occasional phenomenon in which you pour some cereal out of the box, but there is only the powdery dust left at the bottom.
When I went to serve myself some cereal, I was disappointed to
find that I was left with a dust bowl.
when someone is not playing the other person, and actually just wants to be bowling buddies