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Thumb Pirate

A web forum participant, usually using a blog, news website, or social networking platform, who contributes solely, usually without merit, basis in fact or any discretion therein, to harvest as many "thumbs-up" (or Like) responses as possible from other forum users.

The polar opposite of a Troll.

Steve: "I got 944 thumbs on Yahoo! News today!"
George: "Wow! What story?!"
Steve: "School shooting..."
George: "What was the comment?"
Steve: "'Kids today, omg, really!?!'"
George: "Nice...you're a master thumb pirate."
Steve: "Arrrrrr, where me thumbs?!?!"

by aaronpeterson February 28, 2012

Russian Pirate

When a girl is giving you head, shove her head down on your crotch, blow your load, spit vodka in her eye, kick her in the shin and then finally run away.

Yo bro, did you hear that Tony gave his girl a Russian Pirate? Heard she hated it.

by skeletal-omega January 1, 2022

parking pirate

Someone who refuses to pay for parking in a primarily pay parking environment, e.g. downtown in urban center, university, resident permit neighborhood. This person will circle until they locate an adjacent area with a few free parking spaces, and wait or circle the block until someone eventually leaves one of those few spaces.

I can never get a parking spot in front of my building because it's the one area downtown with free spaces, and there are always parking pirates circling the block--any open spaces are gone within a minute.

by JenDizzle February 3, 2012

Painty the Pirate

The pirate painting from SpongeBob SquarePants.

Little kid 1: Hey you know that pirate painting guy from Spongebob?
Little kid 2: Yeah, What about it?
Little kid 1: His actual name is Painty The Pirate.
Little kid 2: Holy crap I never knew that!!

by CyndaChu February 3, 2019

Screen Pirate

Someone who is trying to look at your phone/computer screen while you are messaging, texting or emailing another person.

"Um.. Hello!! Don't be a screen pirate and keep your eyes off mine!"

by scotteric January 6, 2016

pirate dip

When you fuck a girl who's on her period.

Guy one: hey man did you fuck that girl last night?

Guy two: nah bro she was was on the rag.

Guy one: bro go for the pirate dip. Just cause it's red don't mean you can't hit it.

by Thescholarlyscholar December 28, 2016


A passenger who steals or pirates services of an Uber or Lyft Driver by placing their destination close to original start point and then asks for the driver to drive them to different stops along the way,taking up time that wasn't paid for.

No Ma'am I will not stop at Popeye's Chicken, the convenience store, the grocery store and waste 2 hours of my time for $3.00 and no tip...you are an Uber Pirate.

by Nevadarhodes February 3, 2018