Source Code

May 27th

If you were born on this day you are a total crackhead. Everyone thinks Gemini’s are the best behaved... Not even close

If you are a girl the guy you like is waiting around the corner . Just admit you like him and if he doesn’t like you move on don’t cry “ a princess doesn’t cry”

If you’re a boy, if a girl likes you date her and see how it turns out if it doesn’t let her down easy and help her find someone

Andrea: h-hey I really like you
Jake: sorry I don’t like you that way
Andrea: ok *tears*
Jake: but since it’s May 27th I’ll help you find someone who does

by XxsecretkeeperxX November 23, 2019

10👍 5👎

May - Town

A nickname for Marietta, GA on da Northside of da A

May - Town Cobb County Fuc Wit It Hoe!

by Bkatl October 25, 2006

13👍 6👎

May 22nd

The day where you will meet the man or woman of your life

On may 22nd this boy John, I vibe so much with him, we are meant for life together.

On may22nd this wonderful girl Jessica, she vibes wit me so quickly, only after talking to her for one day. I know we’ll spend the rest of our lives together

by Jamie Drans October 29, 2019

24👍 14👎

May 4th

May 4th 1970-the day of the Kent State University (Ohio) shootings. 4 people died and many more were injured. The national guard came in because there were riots going on over the invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

Some people still think Kent State shoots people, this isn't the case.

KSU student : "Have you heard about May 4th?"
Random person: "Wasn't that the shooting at Kent State all of those years ago?"

by themontyfreak October 7, 2009

17👍 9👎

May 5th

What alot of ignorant people call Mexican independence day but in reality mexico's independence day is sept 16

Aka 5 de mayo
Don't let a Mexican hear you say may 5th is mexico's independence day cuz they'll kick ur ass

Ignorante person: viva México today is may 5th which is mexicos independence day

by Hdhxbbdhxjd May 21, 2011

18👍 9👎

peeda may

milo may
kitty cat
oooo may

like a little milo may
its a kitty cat
where da peeda may at

by mario April 21, 2003

8👍 3👎

may 18

The best, the coolest person in the world most of them are named paxton brown hair glasses and a younger brother so treat them well they might help you in the future

I’m born on May 18

by IsThisUnavailable November 8, 2019

8👍 3👎