when a person is excessively annoying or lighting a match. usually used as an expression to describe humans that are very immature.
People 1: “why is this girl biting a human??”
People 2: “i dont know… shes an amber”
People 1: “lets distance from her idiocy”
Amber is the type of girl that will always have your back! But she can lie once in a while but shes nearly perfect! She’s beautiful, hot, sexy. She has this one complicated relationship with this one girl that’s is with her one minute and enemy’s the next… she doesn’t give a shit about what other people say
Alex: “your ugly”
Amber: “I don’t give a shit”
Amber is the perfect combination of gold and yellow. They have the happiest of personalities that one can rarely find. They are very mature people, who are independent and strong-minded. It is almost impossible for an AMBER person to not be friendly. They are the perfect people to be around with.
She is such a cheery person yet so serious and mature. What an AMBER!
Ambers a bitch . Nothing more nothing less.
Yo Amber just tryed to force josh into something he doesn’t want to do bc he’s a pussy,
a fat piece of shit that looks like astrid from how to train your dragon
jamal: damn bro there goes astri- i mean amber
she’s nice like the colour amber… BUT she can turn on you any second and be a bitch just to get popular
gemma: have you seen amber’s tiktok? she’s so pretty!!
everyone: no she’s so ugly… she just wants attention