To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth or the eye socket of another person while they are sleeping. Then latter showing them a photo or evidence of I happening, but no evidence of who it was.
Sam "I saw a photo of Josh getting tea bagged last night, but you couldn't see who's balls it was"
James "yeah we will never know unless we catch him in the act, cause he's the Teabag bandit"
A person who does not own a smartphone and wants you to conduct searches for them
Do not Google anything for that guy he is a Gigabyte Bandit tell him to get his own smartphone.
He is a regretful person, caused the world's apocalypse they are going through.
Significantly less powerful than his 4 year younger self. He will try anything to ensure his victory in a fight.
Bandit the demon is weak
bruh hkay just stole my ltc ;/
the ltc bandit (hkay) has struck again
A 1984 cruiser ultra vee 336 hauling chicks with a minimum bra size of C cup or larger
I’m taking Brittany in the buoby bandit to get some A&W!
This man is known for bashing Allan Michael Latempa cross social media and watch out mikey messes arounds with children on social media
Bandit SicKly Ghostwell
The Great Bandit Sickly, who's very good friends with the legendary Bandit Allen Ghostwell You mess with them duo Bandit squad They will make you submit defeat
Bandit SicKly Ghostwell