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Demolition Man

1. a man who makes conversation stop when he enters a room. He can cause great tension, violence and commotion when he walks in.

2. a great song from the band the Police. It's on their excellent album "Ghost in the Machine". Grace Jones does a really good cover version of this song, too.

3. a totally boss sci-fi thriller movie from 1993 starring Sylvester Stallone as a cop and Wesley Snipes as a criminal who both get frozen in time and "revived" in the mid-21st century in an extremely PC society where citizens can't drink, smoke, do dope, chew gum, eat meat, use salt, ingest sugar, fats or caffeine - in other words, no fun at dinner time. Virtual sex replaced the physical variety. Popular music is replaced by advertising jingles and swearing is prohibited by the Verbal Morality Act. WTF? Panned by critics, this movie is a whole lot of fun. Funny as hell. Sly and Wesley are great! Check it out. It's a total riotand a half. A blast.

1. Look out, here comes the Demolition Man!

2. ... I'm a walking disaster. I'm a Demolition Man... - THE POLICE

3. Metro Police Chief to Stallone cop: "What's with all this Demolition Man shit, anyway?"

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 7, 2006

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Man Strop

The sudden and alarming hissy fit that grown men have when confronted with information that they don't like, or when asked to do something that they don't want to do. Asking for some attention to be paid to you instead of a games console, for instance, will almost always result in a man strop. Likewise, the dreadful crime of informing him that he has behaved like a twat will be punishable by a full on man strop.

"I sked him to stop playing that thing for 5 minutes and listen to me, and he threw the controller down and stormed around in a total man strop"

"Grow up, you fucking baby, stop throwing such a man strop!"

by MagickDio February 4, 2010

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Wonga Man

The legendary man who rose to fame simply by saying 'Wonga!' on the Envirofone advert. Has since become an Internet sensation. Is often used in videos to illustrate a point through the use of the word 'Wonga!'.

Narrator: 'Want some money for your phone?'

Wonga Man: 'WONGA!'

by The Royal Bank of Wonga January 29, 2010

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Bug Man

Void of independent thought, a Bug Man is compelled to purchase and consume unnecessary products they see on social media. It wouldnโ€™t be an issue if they werenโ€™t so incessant on YOUR need to consume as much as they do. Find your nearest Bug Man browsing Amazon or sponsored websites on Instagram anywhere people congregate. Bug Men have no sense of direction, no desire to stop to think whether they really need that cotton candy machine they found on Amazon or that overpriced Japanese mechanical pencil they will likely use only once then quickly forget about when they acquire their next product. If you see a Bug Man out in the wild you must stay away. Bug Men are known to reproduce through infection of the mind. Once youโ€™re bit with the unyielding itch to consume itโ€™s all over.

Lucas โ€œHey man you gotta check out this Brita Water Dispenser I just got off Amazon! It holds up to 25 cups of water AND itโ€™s slim so it doesnโ€™t take up much space inside your fridge! It only cost me $75 USD plus shipping!โ€
Mike โ€œWhy would you spend $75 on a water dispenser when you can just get a 5 gallon water jug for less than $10? Youโ€™re such a Bug Man for buying unnecessary shit.โ€

by Practicalstuffenjoyer July 25, 2023

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a man is not a camel

A subtle way of saying "get me a drink, I'm thirsty".

Commonly used by a person to prompt a companion to get them an alcoholic drink.

A man is not a camel, it's your shout.

by disco69 December 15, 2011

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lawnmower man

an extreme acid trip where the environment becomes hostile and unreal, much like that in the movie Lawnmower Man

"Yo, everything's going all lawnmower man..."

by JCh December 26, 2002

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man of culture

a term which actually means "porn addict", most "men of culture" are actually Redditors.

Bob: You just wouldn't understand because you're not a man of culture.
Me: You're not a man of culture, you're a porn addict.

by LOOWEGGIE June 1, 2022

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