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Bark Bite

The act of a dog barking and a human then inserts their hand into the dogs said mouth. The dog while barking is now biting the humans hand.

Our neighbor suffered bark bite while playing with our dog who was barking at them. She put her hand in our dogs mouth while he was barking which caused a bite. She suffered from bark bite.

by El President-a March 22, 2021

biting timber

when one has a giant boner and a chick is giving a bj and she uses her teeth

ouch fuck she gave me a biting timber

by lou sanus 696969 December 5, 2011


A group of Pumas

Billy was eaten by a bite of Pumas

by Will A. W. May 1, 2022


Adj. synonym: “Suck(s)”

If something bites, it sucks.

Them: Yo Austin your free throws BITE.

Austin: Yea? Well I’m still going to beat you at P.I.G.

by McSushi March 13, 2024


To be really cool, exciting, or interesting. Synonyms: hip, “that slaps,” lit

Mac Miller’s new album absolutely bites. I’ve already listened to it 3 times!

by Lameeeeeeeeeee January 19, 2020


A bite is when you share some of your food or beverage to the person asking.

Hey bromanbro! Can I have a bite?
Oh sure bro!

by Spfucking January 25, 2017


An incision made by the teeth of the mouth. A cut made by teeth.

"I love to bite and chew my food well."

by KrownPrince February 17, 2019