Source Code

Black Dahlia

the most infamous murder case ever thought to be solved by many people confessing but none can be proven

Scott says: Hey heard of the Black Dahlia
Dare: Yea its infamous

by Scooter Barn August 30, 2006

84πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Black Opsed

When something fucks up on you - particularly a game or program.
Derived from Call of Duty: Blackops, the game that crashes more than a drunk p plater. You're supremely fortunate if you actually complete a whole game without disconnecting, freezing or having your PS3 die in the arse.

Stefan: My computer just crashed when Minecraft went over 1GB memory usage
Jacob: You got black opsed

by cann0n January 24, 2011

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Black Couch

Refering more to a Casting Couch, mainly used in pornography.

Also as slang to calling a person a slut, or hoe.

Damn girl, I'll put you on a black couch

by Theleach August 7, 2014

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Black nine

A nine-millimeter pistol, a stereotypical gangster/mobster's gun.

"Yo, foo, those peeps comin wit black nines!"
"Yea, son, lets mob out of here"

by Mastersam0 June 11, 2008

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Black Ranger

1.) The act of completely ignoring someone when they acknowledge your existence.

2.) Popular character in Power Rangers. Is usually second in command after the Blue Ranger.

Lord Zedd, it appears the Black Ranger has found out about our plans.

by McCune Resident April 2, 2008

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black guilt

When a black person feels they have to support everything black fearing they are a bad black person and don’t stand up to racism.

Sharon watched all the Tyler Perry movies and the BET Awards because of her black guilt.

by Grizzj April 4, 2019

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Black Avocado

A testicle that is swollen and black. The male equalvalent of a blue waffle, and is given by having sex with a woman with a blue waffle

Damn, them black avocadoes must be as big as melons

by The Black Moose June 7, 2010

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