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dog shit breath

When someone's breath smells like dog shit

Don't talk to me you've got dog shit breath!

by nockcose February 13, 2016

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Goat Breath (GB)

The horrible stench that comes from the rotted mouth of Stupid Face. It is similar to the smell of rancid goat feces or spoiled goat cheese. In small circles, it is also referred to simply as GB.

Stupid Face walked in here the other day, and she had the worst Goat Breath (GB) I've ever smelt and it made me puke. She must have spent half her day servicing a billy goat to achieve that stench. God I hate Stupid Face.

by Nesta181 September 2, 2008

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I can't breathe

A horrible police man named Derek Chauvin who killed George Floyd not letting him breathe for 9 minutes.

Derek Chauvin should rot in prison.

I can't breathe. BLM

by AHH!helpme June 8, 2020

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Cougar Breathe Easy!

Term used to tell one to chill out, settle down, be more careful, take notice, startle or just used to be used on some occasions.

Def #1 - *One is driving recklesly/hits a bump etc....*
Passenger- "Cougar breathe easy!!.

Def #2 - *Dog barking endlessly*
Owner- "Cougar breathe easy!!*

Def #3 Friend num.1 - *yelling, complaining etc*
Friend num 2-"Cougar breathe easy!!*

Def #4 Nenna and Berry were fighting so i shouted "Cougar breathe easy!!" at the bitches.

by RawSuga May 4, 2009

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Ice Breathing Dragon

when a male gets head froma girl and when he orgasms in her mouth he then punches her in the throat hopfully making the liquids come out her nose.

"hey i just gave my girl the Ice Breathing Dragon."

by stewart padaso April 6, 2008

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Horse breath

Very potent breath after sucking stank dick.

Girl: I just needed the money.
Guy: I bet you did girl cause you got a bad case of horse breath!

by Word man ๐Ÿ˜Ž November 12, 2016

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Brown Eye Breathing

When a couple in love decides to take their intimacy to the next level. Much like sharing a held breath between locked lips, with the same breath being given and taken by each other, Brown Eye Breathing can be planned or accidental when a couple is butt-to-butt. When one farts and the other takes it in, and then farts to return it. The sharing of one fart.

I know my boyfriend loves me. Last night, as we were going to bed, we did some brown eye breathing. We share everything. He is so romantic!

by TwoLoveBirdsInTheRain January 7, 2011

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