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No Fortnite Forever Challenge

When you restrain yourself from playing the video game known as Fortnite for the rest of eternity and if you play the cursed game you will be smited by God himself

Friend: Yo Homie Do You Want To Play Fortnite

You: Sorry Bro I Am Doing The No Fortnite Forever Challenge

by MinecraftGoodFortniteBad June 25, 2019

Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge

Literally the best Geometry textbook you'll ever read. Nicknames include: Geometry for Endorphins and Objections. Simplifies into GeoEC.

God, I love Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge so much. It gives me such enjoyment with the challenge.

by welleysbutno March 14, 2022

Usain Bolt Challenge

When you do a lap around your house while jerking off real fast and when you nut you make the pose Usain Bolt does.

Bro I just did the Usain Bolt Challenge yesterday, it was banger lmao.

by Yeetyfeety December 20, 2017

Urban Dictionary Challenge

A friendly competition between friends with the intent of doing the biggest possible number of the stupid and deranged actions listed on this site, before ending up arrested or worse.

Dude, Gooby was doing the Urban Dictionary Challenge and he achieved like 10 Urban-Dictionary-verbs including a Dirty Sanchez after a Speed Bump

by mini0n March 30, 2023

Cold Water Challenge

Where people think its impressive to pour ice water over their head on a 100 degree day.

Hi I am an idiot, And this is my cold water challenge. If I do this, I think I dont have to donate to ALS.

by Madpuppy November 12, 2014

Ozzy Osbourne Challenge

To overdose on a hard drug multiple times.

"Yo I heard John took the Ozzy Osbourne challenge"
"I hope he's alright"

by OccasionalDipper November 28, 2020

Cum Glass challenge

Every December 1st all males will cum into a glass and jug it down like a shot, feel free to add any other liquids to it (no more then 1 oz), such as coke or alcohol e.g.

You: Novembers finally over!

Friend: Its Cum Glass challenge which means you have to cum into a glass and jug it!
"Grabs glass and walks into bedroom"

by ShadowLalo November 28, 2021