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The Psenko Effect

The pain that may come from masturbating too much.

Yeah you've heard of the butterfly effect and domino effect... but how about the 'The Psenko Effect'? Stop watching porn.

by xdjcm April 13, 2021

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Sinclair effect

The cause given to an unfortunate sailing incident that occurred for no apparent reason.

It was the Sinclair effect that stranded the boat onto the lee shore; the boat was Sinclaired, hitting the bank and damaging the hull.

by Bootlegger Paul April 20, 2008

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Fellows Effect

When a person's ego and general refusal to follow recommendations makes them late for an important event.

They were plagued by a case of the Fellows effect. Needless to say they were late for everything.

by Thanxalotl August 11, 2015

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The Trinity Effect

The phenomenon where a normally unattractive woman becomes more and more attractive without the presence of a more attractive woman. Coming from Trinity in the Matrix franchise

Wow. When I watched the Matrix, Trinity was an absolute dog at the start. But by the end, she was a smoking hottie, the Trinity Effect strikes again!

by M70Atl December 12, 2022

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Pneumarian Effect

The Pneumarian Effect is when a heterosexual male has an unusual attraction towards another homosexual male, the homosexual usually being a close friend. This is usually a one off thing.

Note: This does not mean the hetero male is gay, or bi, he may very well be straight, except for this one incident, or, this may be the road down a very queer path.

Guy1: Dude, have you seen Kos? Hes dating a fuckin dude man!

Guy2: Ah shit, I've seen this happen before, it's the Pneumarian Effect!

by Officer Mufflebunz May 3, 2016

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the Charles effect

An effect named after a Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc. Charles wearing a bandana convinced other drivers to also wear it, so they look cool.

Look at Lando. He copied Charles and now wears a bandana. He used the Charles effect.

by Fifa089 January 6, 2022

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the big head effect is basically a really skinny girl whos head is bigger than her whole body

sarah jessica parker, hilary duff are considered to be under the bighead-effect

by beasty A June 25, 2006

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