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This Is Your Fucking Guide To Be Emo.

First Off, Dye Your Hair Black, An Extra Color Would Be Best, If Not, Black, Plain Black, Yeah.

If Your A d00d, Go Get Yourself Some Girls Skinny Jeans, Tightest Fit. You Can Suck It It, You Don't Eat In Front Of People!

Converse Is Necessary.

Don't Smile Often.

Nail Polish Is A Plus.
Bracelets, And Fingerless Gloves Are A Plus.

NO HOLLISTER ; AMERICAN EAGLE; AEROPOSTALE. or any of that preppy shit.
Shop At Hot Topic; Spencers; And FYE. It'll get you far.

OH, And EYELINER. A Boatload of Eyeliner, Don't Leave The House Without It. Never. Never Ever Ever.

KAY! Now you need the additude.

Have A Myspace, Make Sure It's Not Very Colorful.
Take ALOT Of Pictures. Quote All Your Favorite Emo Bands.

So make sure you listen to emo bands, like My Chemical Romance, Escape The Fate, Hawthorne Heights, And The Used. Without Good Taste In Music, You'll Be Called A Fake.

Only hang out with other Emos. Its like, a rule.

HAIRFLIP!!!!!! Most Iportant/Fun Thing You Need To Do, Flip Ya Hair! (But make sure it still covers one eye!)

Skateboarding is a plus.
So is playing guitar, bass, or the drums.

Use Smileys Like, :3, ^-^, xD

Don't do good in school either, You can skip and be all mysterious.

If Someone Asks You Whats Wrong, Answer "Everything"
Never Explain Yourself.
Act Miserable.

Oh, And MOSH, like a fucking PRO.

Your All Set, You Little Emo.

Emo Kid #1: OMFG Are You Giong To The MCR Concert?!
Emo Kid #2: HELLL YYEAAHH! i'm ready to mosh like theres no tomorrow!
Emo Kid #1: Me Toooo! xD

by L7WEENIE!xD December 24, 2009

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


They are middle to upper class teens and young adults who wern't tuff enougf to make it as punkers and to much of a pussy to pull off goth. I think It's kinda like if punk and goth had a baby but the mother did drugs and drank the whole time she was pregnant and Emo is the result of that. It's a fad for bord kids hailling out of the suburbian empire who have to much money and time on their hands(I am sure it's not cheap to be a posser ) and feel like their not getting enoughf attention from mommy and daddy so as a result they love bask in their imaginary melodrama and create shit to pretend be depressed about so they can play the part of the missunderstood abused victim and go write in their blogs and tell the world how hard their life is.

They spend a lot of money to look the part I.E. greesy blacked out hair, body peirceings(sometimes fake)a goth style make-up job, jewlery, but then spend their time crying and whineing about how hard it is to be them and how they don't fit in with anyone and about how no one understands them and the way they feel about things and cry because no one loves them their not punk and their not goth neither group wants to claim it because it's so lame so they call themselfs "Emo".

by ~Angle~ April 27, 2007

31πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A whiney teenager who is 'in touch' with his/her feelings. The mast majority live in the suburban life-style, but refuse to admit that they actually have a postive life.
Please, for the sake of humanity, get over yourself. You see that homeless man down the street? He has more reason to be an angsty emo than you ever will. You see that child in the burn hospital? He/she has more reasons to be 'emo' than you ever will in your entire life. Emos DON'T know what true pain is. Don't give me that, "Don't label me, I'm human!!", because you can just stop, right there. The majority of these 'emos' will cuss out a 'prep' in an instant. They cringe or are enfired with rage when they hear the word.
Please, for the sake of humanity, get over yourself. Emos obviously DON'T know what true pain is. "No one understands me"- trash.

You CAN'T forget to complain about your horrible life every chance you get, you get to do this twice as much if your parents are divorced. Idiot, almost half of American's population in marriages are divorced, suck it up. Don't forget to hate your life, and deny being emo. Say you're a "non-comformist" *which is complete trash, because dressing the excact same way and having your hair block at least a 1/3 of your face sure looks like the guy next to you*. As for girls, you can't forget to have to ratty-tatty hair that looks like a rat's nest, oh, and the chewing on the gold-chain fetish.-Don't forget to also write some cheesey-ass song lyrics that are the complete opposite of your life, and strum a cord or two on your guitar. There, now you're getting it! Also, make sure whenever people ask where you live, since they'll be SO concerned on why your life is, "hell", be sure to say, "the cracks of hell in which the light of life does not shine", "in a world where love and acceptance do not exist, only pain and hatred," or something along the lines of that.
-Swoop your head around every five seconds, considering the fact that you won't see; because sight is something that you will have to sacrifice in order to be a 'non-comformist'.

by UnrulyPandas August 25, 2010

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Emo tends to define a depressed teenager that is constantly cutting themselves and crying. Granted its true for about half the population of emos in the world but the other doesn't cut themselves and only cry when they are sad. The do not always wear square or horned rimmed glasses, tight jeans, tight sweaters, and scarves. Alot of emos don't even have black hair. The emo kids are usually the nice kid that sits in the back of the class minding his/her own business and is therefore called emo because he/she is not popular or well known. The music they listen to is not all about whimpy boys and their shitty lives, alot is about being in love and just having people around you that you can trust. An emo kid is usually one that has had alot of bad shit happen to them in their entire life and always keep getting hurt(emotionally not physically). Alot of the so called emo kids that take the anit-depressants, complain alot, and cut themselves are usually kids that come from a middle class family and they think that their life is not good enough. The actual emo kids usually come from poverty and has had several really bad things happening to them for some time.

People get you story straight, talk to a real emo kid, and stop hating one us just because we are different from you.

Fake emo kid: dude my life is so lame, my dad won't let me go get the car i want.

Real emo kid: dude at least your family can afford a car. get over it, i don't even have a car but i enjoy walking every where.

Fake emo kid:dude i can't walk every where, i would get too tired.

Real emo kid:whatever,your lazy and lame. you complain too much and stop making up problems just so you can get attention.
*Real emo kid walks away*

by xXxImmortal AngelxXx July 11, 2008

18πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a "lifestyle" that really makes one ask, what are these people thinking? They think life is so bad because they've never had real problems to deal with, so they exploit every minor "tragedy" in their lives and make it seem like the earth is about to float into the sun.

emo kid: nobody understands my pain, what i feel is so much worse than anything anybody has ever gone through. ever.

by tony mcfroy June 19, 2006

39πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


An oversused clique.
the word "emo" is around because society made it.
today everything is "emo"...
we get called emo if we like the color black, or wear converse and skinny jeans. We get called emo if we arnt happy 24/7. we get called emo for having hair in front of our eyes. we get called emo for wearing eyeliner. the list can go on..
it is thrown around like no other lable.
most people are too ignorant to know that emo is just a genre of music.

we are all guilty of using the emo clique.
even those of us who bitch about it.

by dinoxxlove February 24, 2008

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Usually a middle/high class white teenager that finds a tiny imperfection in their life, and makes a big deal out of it. Hell, half of them don’t have anything at all to be sad about. They only hang out with other emos and listen to their soft core music that they think suites their fake personality. All and all they are pitiful excuses of their own species and are disgraces to humanity.

Wow, because it’s likely that there are a hell of a lot of emos that are going to read this, they will probably enter a state of denial and give this a bad review.

by Cabcose March 7, 2009

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