An unpleasant event in one's life which must be endured as a rite of passage or a badge of honor.
The quality of a person's character is inversely proportionate to the amount they complain during the suckfest.
Mike, "I just found out my unit is going to Iraq for a year."
John, "Fuckin' suck fest!"
Mike, "Yeah."
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"Sucking Dick" can be a reference to smoking methamphetamine. Especially in central California. Pyrex glass pipes a.k.a. oil burners are often called dicks/glass dicks/the devil's dick.
That bitch's cheese slid off her cracker... She's been sucking dick all night.
Damn girl. Brush your teeth! You got dick breath going on.
Mom... Come suck this dick (hands his mom the meth pipe) my mom's sucking my dick. LMFAO
Its moms turn in the circle to suck dick. (Who's dick depends on who owns the pipe)
The quietest this bitch ever gets is the eight seconds she's sucking that dick....then she back at it.
I've never seen so many guys suck dick...share the same dick...suck dick and not be while sucking dick..... Go cross eyed on a dick that's in their mouth....
Damn man!!! You got your teeth knocked put by more than just a couple dicks!!(referring to tooth decay from smoking meth)
Suck my angelic dick!!!! HA
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When an article of your clothing gets stuck between your butt cheeks. Separate from a wegdie because the clothing is not going up your butt, it just gets smashed a little between your cheeks. Common with dresses and right when you stand up after sitting for a while.
When you first get out of the water and your bikini bottoms ride up your butt is an example of suck butt
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to be out of breath because of running so you are breathing heavily
The running back was sucking wind after his 86 yard touchdown run because he was out of shape.
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When you want to proclaim that something sucks ass (which means it sucks real bad) but you are in the presence of someone that prevents the use of profanity. Eg. your Grandma or Mother-in-law or bosses wife or some other uptight bitch.
Man Grandma, this meat loaf sucks donkeys.
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to tell someone off, in other words "fuck off"
student one: you smoke too much
student two: suck cock, I don't care
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