Source Code

I don't have think.

BTS Jin's answer when interviewer asked about BTS's dating life and whether they are dating with ARMY (BTS fandom name) or not

I don't have think.

by seokjin' lobster July 26, 2021

Having a Blind Circle-Jerk

When a group of people are thoughtlessly agreeing with each other even if they are holding opposing views.

"Why are all those people talking at the same time? Are they high?"
Nah dude, they're having a Blind Circle-Jerk.

by GroceryClerk July 4, 2018

You have two assholes

An expression that came about in Springfield, Illinois when a kid shouted at his friend, "You have two assholes!"

This expression is believed to show anger towards a friend, an enemy, or somebody you're just mad at.

Kid 1: You suck at Halo 3.
Kid 2: Well, you have two assholes!

by The Crazy June 25, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

have one's ticket punched

To be killed, or otherwise gotten rid of. From the practice of punching a hole in a ticket in order to cancel it.

Trotsky became a liability, so Stalin had his ticket punched.

It's a raw deal to have one's ticket punched the day before Christmas.

by Annabellastasia April 1, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

can't have a shit in detroit

Feeling terrible while in Detroit. Pretty obvious

Man I can't have a shit in Detroit

by September 14, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

because i have a penis

what a man says if he doesn't want to do something that is deemed woman's work, suck as ironing his shirts, or picking up after himself. Sexist when said to a woman, blatantly insulting when said to a male (your questioning his manhood in a very homo-phobic/sexist way).

Woman, i don't cook my own dinner because i have a penis.

by phi December 5, 2004

72๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

I Have Two Cocks

A phrase said after crushing an opponent or accomplishing a great feat. Often accompanied by a slowed motion indicating masturbation with parallel cocks.

First used by Soul Caliber IV enthusiast Max Basch of Hampshire College, and henceforth popularized by other gamers of the 5-College Consortium.

"I Have Two Cocks"

Gamer 1: FUCK!
Gamer 2: ZOMG! He just beat you with your best character! ROFLROFLROFL
Gamer 3: I have two coooocks

by Moocowsy July 2, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž