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how we drink it in belgium

Made famous by Dr. Evil from Austin Powers 2, this can be synonymous with phrases like "That's how I roll" and "That's how we do things around here." It's often used after completing a task you're very proud of, making a good play in a sport, and any stubborn, confident, or cocky remark.

Tough shit. That's how we drink it in Belgium.

by belgiumdip September 29, 2010

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how much you buy

A term used by people of Slavic origin, speaking somewhat broken English to ask the price on an item

Ooh, new laptop, how much you buy.

by SpidgetMcfinnery December 20, 2017

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How to use Urban Dictionary

Are you serious?
You are using it right now!

Or are you just trying to be stupid on Urban Dictionary.
Well just search for word you can’t understand instead of searching how to use Urban Dictionary.

by FoxWarsX April 13, 2018

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How the sausage gets made

"Knowing how the sausage gets made" essentially means understanding how something happens behind the scenes; thus, what I said basically translates to "Understanding how it (the fear of time limits, in this case) works doesn’t mean I can stop it (fear) from happening"

No one really knows how the game is played the art of trade how the sausage gets made -Aaron Burr, Hamilton the Musical

by BigDickDarwin October 29, 2020

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how sad my life

When someone makes you quit having sex because your too obsessed with powerballing

You: Dude, how sad my life

Him: Ha sucks for you, you must like powerballing

by Boochu February 14, 2016

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That's how the potatoes get salted

A phrase used when something unfortunate happens.

Grandson : Grandma my PC got destroyed from the rain last night
Grandma: Honey That's how the potatoes get salted

by TheKnoble23 May 8, 2020

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How now, brown cow?

It actually means, "What's next?" I read that on the Merriam Webster Dictionary site after trying to look it up here.

"How now, brown cow?"

"You're going to turn into a purple cow."


by Sara Harmon February 22, 2006

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