Woah! look at that fat fungfug on the log!
Using the internet to track someones weight gain (typically from average to fat to obese) over a period of time.
Going on Facebook finding an array of pictures to track the weight gain of a female friend or acquaintance over time and so generate a fat-timeline using the results.
When you buy some weed and get alot for the amount you paid.
Me:Got the weed maan
Tom: Whats the deal like?
Me: We got a FAT deal!
Tom: Oo we guna have a fat smoke!
Me: O fo sho!
A fat weird Mexican kid who lives in the UK and calls people noobs on Xbox.
Damn, that guy really is a fat ghadi
The act of saving your snacks to eat late at night while watching youtube, netflix, or something else.
Person 1: Do you know the fat hack?
Person 2: Of course, I do it every night!
Similar to a chode, the fat tope is fatter and topier and is general all round cock!
Guy 1: Hey have u seen Toby Roberts recently?
Guy 2: Yeah he's out banging Chodes like a fat tope
Guy 1: What a fat tope!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy 2: for sure