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fat ass

a person that is lazy. sits on ass all-day

my mom is a fat ass.

by wywywywywywywyw January 21, 2020

1👍 1👎

fat fungfug

a squirmy lil worm with perm

Woah! look at that fat fungfug on the log!

by Cutelildragqueenwithabeard February 10, 2020


Using the internet to track someones weight gain (typically from average to fat to obese) over a period of time.

Going on Facebook finding an array of pictures to track the weight gain of a female friend or acquaintance over time and so generate a fat-timeline using the results.

by rhob888 October 3, 2011

Fat Deal

When you buy some weed and get alot for the amount you paid.

Me:Got the weed maan
Tom: Whats the deal like?
Me: We got a FAT deal!
Tom: Oo we guna have a fat smoke!
Me: O fo sho!

by Taska Babee October 13, 2008

Fat ghadi

A fat weird Mexican kid who lives in the UK and calls people noobs on Xbox.

Damn, that guy really is a fat ghadi

by Jidus March 14, 2018

Fat Hack

The act of saving your snacks to eat late at night while watching youtube, netflix, or something else.

Person 1: Do you know the fat hack?
Person 2: Of course, I do it every night!

by de1sey August 5, 2020

Fat tope

Similar to a chode, the fat tope is fatter and topier and is general all round cock!

Guy 1: Hey have u seen Toby Roberts recently?
Guy 2: Yeah he's out banging Chodes like a fat tope
Guy 1: What a fat tope!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy 2: for sure

by Topey Noberts August 20, 2009